Her sniffer is broken? 😞
Very. Before we got a new fridge, (the old one was broken) the milk kept going bad way before the date. One time she pulled the milk out and I noticed curdles on the surface. And it was turning yellowish. I said "don't use that, it looks really nasty". She said "it cant be! I just got it!". She smelled it and said it smelled fine to her, and asked me to smell it. I could already tell so at first I refused (who willingly smells curdled milk???) but finally I gave in. A foot away from my face I already smelled it. Absolutely rancid. Almost lost my lunch right there.

Digging to China there, Esme?

We were playing with the babies, and the zipper was too far open so poor Chocolate fell out. Thankfully right into kiddo's lap so we returned her to the brooder. 😱
Also, Slowpoke will lay on my hand and try to sleep, but couldn't because all the other jealous birdies kept pecking at her to move 😆
More and more are getting less fearful and coming over for chesty scritches, which we all know are the best.

Oh! Yeti, Red, Navy, and Slowpoke all know "step up" and will do so!
Has it happened more than once? There is a lot of norovirus around which might give you those symptoms whether or not you ate eggs.
Agreed...I have gluten issues so gut discomfort can happen w/ certain foods. But 2 weeks ago DH brought home a gut flu & I just thought I ate something but when he hit the commode as often as me I knew he brought home the present to share...

So... Guys... I have a question and I'm sorry it's kind of gross but I genuinely have no idea where else to ask 😅

My dad and I both get major diarrhea after eating our chickens' eggs. I think I have an intolerance to eggs in the first place but my dad is fine after eating store bought, but he's on the toilet all night after having our eggs.

Has anyone else dealt with this?? We had scrambled eggs for dinner yesterday and both of us had stomach aches all night. Grandma was fine though.

We'll start washing the eggs just before we use them from now on just in case that's the reason but it shouldn't be if the eggs are cooked thoroughly, right?

I want to enjoy my eggs without paying for it later 😭
Well, the only true way to know if you have an egg allergy as opposed to an intolerance would be to go to an allergist.

You should keep a written diary of what foods you eat and any effects from them.

Also you should check out FODMAP:

Good luck! I know how irritating digestive issues are.


Shirley you jest! He’s a Roo!

Mr L. Chicken

Mrs L. Chicken
I'll have to compare the ingredients next time we pick up their food. It is possibly I'm intolerant to something in their feed. Though I won't know that until I can have more testing done on my guts. :th

Personally I've always had issues with eggs, as far as I can remember. But my dad hasn't so that's more concerning to me.
Go get some allergy tests ♥️


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