Dr. Stern also does chickens. That's where we go.
Alright then. I'll consider it. However, I'm going to try to fix the problem myself with help from other members and if nothing helps, then I'll go see the vet.
Also everyone, I forgot to do a twofer yesterday so expect one later today.
She was moving quite well, so good to see her enjoying the warmth.

In another post I saw mentioning crested breed possibilities and it sent me on a search. They are all gorgeous of course. But here is one that stood out for your future consideration (I would lose my enabler status if I didn’t at least throw my hat in)

The Shetland Hen - A Scottish landrace breed that comes in random colors AND they lay blue or green eggs!

Photos to tempt us all!
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Oooooo colored eggs. 🥰
Got two coops set up. The tall brown one, and the little one. When the oldest 9 chicks are fully feathered they'll go outside to free up room in the brooder. I don't really want to split the chicks, but there's just not enough room with the current brooder.
Kiddo gets to name Mr. Rooster. Curious to see what she comes up with.
She was moving quite well, so good to see her enjoying the warmth.

In another post I saw mentioning crested breed possibilities and it sent me on a search. They are all gorgeous of course. But here is one that stood out for your future consideration (I would lose my enabler status if I didn’t at least throw my hat in)

The Shetland Hen - A Scottish landrace breed that comes in random colors AND they lay blue or green eggs!

Photos to tempt us all!
View attachment 4070811
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View attachment 4070816
What a lovely looking chicken!
Went to FF&H to pick up more bedding and feed. Tortured myself in the chicks section 🤣

There were 2 little white silkie(?) chicks in the assorted bantams bin! Black legs and beaks, 5 toes, poofy little heads, feathered legs! One was so calm when I picked it up. It actually came back to check my hand out when I stuck it back in 🥺 I WANT CHICKS!!!! :barnie

Also, look at these sweeties...

Didn't even notice I caught the one yawning until just now!

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