Sure glad I didn’t add that - I figured some would - didn’t want to have a SHRH tax!

Hi Babe you comfy there, my leg is falling asleep!
View attachment 4073896
It was a big risk. Here's a photo anyway.

Those are way too young to be running about, that age they would be in a den. Seems odd to me.
Mommas tend to start taking them out at about 6 weeks - so 7-8 weeks seems okay to me.

Likely momma cat was well aware of the human before the human was aware of the cubs - she was probably watching the human from a distance warily.
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I have found that a large water bowl is preferable to my chooks, they will use the waterer, but they prefer the bowls. And I found that they stayed thawed if I placed them near the IR heaters.

Thanks goodness it’s getting near Spring now - getting tired of frozen water (which reminds me I forgot to plug in the trough deicer for the horses water trough), and spending money on electricity for keeping things thawed!
Mine like the large water dishes, too (I need them for my ducks), but in the winter I wish I didn't have to use them, as the boys sometimes get nipped with frostbite as their waddles get wet when they use the dishes/bowls. :(

I do like it for them in the summer, though - I have some large, shallow ones that I put ice in, and they often 'go wading' in those. :)sick then drink after having 'rinsed off' their poopy feet!:sick). Of course, the ducks have their large 'bathing tubs' all but the worst of the cold days - but those are too deep for summer time wading for the chickens.
Does math count for pony Sunday? I have the quadratic formula stuck in my head. Why? I have no idea. It just happens sometimes...

Negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a... 🎶🎶🎶
You mean "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck...if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
Peanut butter with scratch or sunflower seeds stuck in it. Adults mastered the switch in 1 day.
Mine seem to always teach each other. I only showed one pullet (I think Diana) from my first ever chickens and they go from there.
I never did the whole thing if removing all other sources of water either.
I do think they prefer the more open waterers so unless frozen they have access to those too.
Yup to the scale - should have bought one yrs ago! It’s a minuscule amt to get 50mg!!! Best I can do is around 70mg when measuring to weigh. So I have been doing 100mg approx.

Yup I know weight/volume - most meds will say ‘1 tsp obtains 1g of Bute’ (horse med).

Nope no filler, that’s why it’s so hard to measure out!

Also found out that it doesn’t mix well, I used warm water and that worked better.
I happened to read about the mixing - to mix a little water into the powder first, not the other way ‘round, and go from there. Sounded like mixing pure cocoa powder.

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