That was my fear. We do have them here and I think that is what killed Maleficent. Hence my post asking for help.
Weasels probably have regular though wide-ranging hunting routes? Keep looking for tracks, if it's in your area it will be back eventually.
My treadle feeder has apparently stopped the moles, at least it's not such a priority for getting food from the run for them,. I haven't seen tracks of any kind going in or out in two days :fl (I was /am concerned about weasels coming in after the moles, possibly saw weasel tracks after them, though they might have been chipmunk tracks - but don't chipmunks hibernate in the winter?)
All I planned today has been cancelled. With the lack of response I'm wondering if this company has folded, it really worrying

I've just managed to get some duck eggs out for my girls.
A company that provides all that must be quite big so if it had folded it would be in the news.
Also, when companies like that go under they usually appoint someone called a 'receiver' to manage it to closure - these are typically accounting Firms and they are supposed to ensure that customers don't lose services 'all of a sudden'. I am sure it isn't perfect but it feels more likely to be really bad customer service than going under.
I hope you get it resolved soon.
What a nightmare

How's your move going? Have you decided on the chickens Housing yet?
I’ve not moved anything, but have been organizing, purging, and doing light packing. DH said he’ll build me a coop and run. I’m still looking for back-up options in case he bails on me, however. Hopefully he didn’t say that just to shut me up. 🤣
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Been flat out hair straight back this morning.... I was up before 5am and darn Totton cold at -25C... Brrrrr, glad I plugged Ol' Blue in overnight. I didn't want a repeat of a couple weeks ago when my truck wouldn't start!.

I asked my mum to collect eggs throughout the day so they wouldn't freeze on me... Hope today they don't lay too many!
So, my hawk attack girl is just fine and dandy. No sign of wound in mouth (again, checking with sever protests on her part), no sign of wound on outside of cheek either. Carefully 'combed' through muff...and felt gently with fingers - no scab/wound!!!! The abrasions abound her beak and eye were healed earlier in the week...and she is her perky, independent self!

Tried to get mug shots for you all this morningView attachment 2993571View attachment 2993572....:
That is so wonderful ! Glad she is doing well.
If it is a weasel, the only thing that apparently works for trapping them (according to my friend who has gotten 8 this year) is a relatively fresh victim. The only reason I got mine was I had it trapped inside the coop and was
Herding it in with the stick. Also the coon sized traps might not be fully escape proof! I detest mink
They are indeed very hard to trap and my best defense outside of an iron clad coop is the neighborhood cats.

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