Betty is glad to help. She does live in the Cluckle Hut. 😉
Good one 😁

My Fluffy McNugget gave me a good view of her NOT fluffy butt this morning hahaha it was a rather rude view 😉

I guess I will have to wait till she molts to get her glorious fluffy feathers back....
Weather hugs. :hugs :hugs :hugs
Warmer this morning at -14c (7f) haha.

I was treated to a splendid celestial view this morning, the moon is coming into a crescent phase, and Venus is brilliantly sparkling in the morning sky next to the moon. The one thing about winter are those crystal clear sky's at night where we recieved such splendid views! Haven't seen any northern lights yet but then I don't linger outside at night too long ng hahaha!

Oh boy I am gonna owe so much chicken tax 😆
Yep. They are bred to be cycled out from commercial laying operations at 18-24months. Some smaller farmers also do this, and literally buy new hens every year, as soon as a hen is 2 it’s a stewing hen or dog food, because once they start to slow down laying they are “useless” and “not thrifty”. There are always more being raised up and they are “just chickens” after all 😡😡😡
Out of ignorance I purchased 4 cinnamon queen hens a few years ago. Out of those 4 only one remains. They were very prone to respiratory issues. The remaining hen is living a good life and is the dominant hen of her flock. Her daughter who is half EE is the boss hen of her flock but was very sick as a pullet. I have attached a picture of Gorda the half CQ. She spent so much time inside as a pullet that now she still likes coming in the kitchen for a snack.
Out of ignorance I purchased 4 cinnamon queen hens a few years ago. Out of those 4 only one remains. They were very prone to respiratory issues. The remaining hen is living a good life and is the dominant hen of her flock. Her daughter who is half EE is the boss hen of her flock but was very sick as a pullet. I have attached a picture of Gorda the half CQ. She spent so much time inside as a pullet that now she still likes coming in the kitchen for a snack. View attachment 3005769
She taught her flock that if they come to the kitchen door and make noise the big, tall guy will give them treats. Lol
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