They look happy 😃
They are, especially Ezzie. In a way I feel bad that I waited for a full week before getting her siblings, but I know I was doing what would be for the best in the long run. I knew I would most likely end up getting standard size chicks since all bantams are sold straight run and I wanted her to have a slight jump start on growth. Another reason I waited as terrible as it sounds, I was afraid of loosing her the first few days. I've lost them in the past during the first week of life for no apparent reason so I was hesitant to run right out and buy chicks. Ezzie is 8 days old now and the new chicks are according to the worker who picked out the chicks 5 days old today. Things could still happen and I could loose them but they are reaching the age where I breath a sigh of relief.
Out of ignorance I purchased 4 cinnamon queen hens a few years ago. Out of those 4 only one remains. They were very prone to respiratory issues. The remaining hen is living a good life and is the dominant hen of her flock. Her daughter who is half EE is the boss hen of her flock but was very sick as a pullet. I have attached a picture of Gorda the half CQ. She spent so much time inside as a pullet that now she still likes coming in the kitchen for a snack. View attachment 3005769
Very pretty 😊
Here you go Royalchick, some pictures of happy chicks with their new bedding. Oh and while right now the Buffs are all being called Nellie, and the other called Granny, once mom can distinguish them some more she is letting Rosie name the other 4 whatever she wants. I dread hearing what she comes up with, but she is determined one of them is Wasabi. One way or another she is getting her Wasabi this year.
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Words are not enough! So cute!
Ummm. Pictures? Where do you source sawdust? I have only ever seen shavings and horse pellets (also sold as pine cat litter).
We can get Quick Pick shavings which are very fine and easy to pick horse poop. I don't like them for horses personally but bet they would be great for chickies!
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The Guardian

I was watching the tribe on camera the other day while on an excruciating conference call that would not end. And I caught this fascinating behavior.

Aurora got up onto Maleficent's old roost in the run and did what I can only describe as "watched over" the tribe. She did not do extensive grooming or anything really other than stand on the roost with an almost rooster like stance. It was really interesting to see.

@Ribh @micstrachan @MaryJanet @LozzyR @Aussie-Chookmum @Shadrach @Marie2020 @ChicoryBlue
Looks like she taking the guardian role seriously.
Some whining tax I am owing

Dickie Boy the half silkie 20 week Roo

Dixie Chixie the half silkie 20 wk Roo his feathers are incredibly soft

Rose the EE mix 20 wk pullet she is starting to lay now

And Dorothy the EE mix 20 wk pullet who is now laying. I caught her and her Dada doing the wild n wooly in Truly's stall earlier 😲😲
Big black birds.
It seemed today there was a convention of big black birds in the field outside the Chicken Palace.
There was a large hawk calling out (the Chickens were aware of its presence and stayed in their covered run).
The crows were running interference and making a lot of noise.
Then there were the vultures. These were not turkey vultures, they were black vultures. What is scary is that black vultures do not limit themselves to carrion - they will take live prey and are known to be able to take down a newborn calf.
Blurry photo of a black vulture. The tell-tale sign is that the face is grey rather than red.

Here you go Royalchick, some pictures of happy chicks with their new bedding. Oh and while right now the Buffs are all being called Nellie, and the other called Granny, once mom can distinguish them some more she is letting Rosie name the other 4 whatever she wants. I dread hearing what she comes up with, but she is determined one of them is Wasabi. One way or another she is getting her Wasabi this year.
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So CUTE!!! :love
They are, especially Ezzie. In a way I feel bad that I waited for a full week before getting her siblings, but I know I was doing what would be for the best in the long run. I knew I would most likely end up getting standard size chicks since all bantams are sold straight run and I wanted her to have a slight jump start on growth. Another reason I waited as terrible as it sounds, I was afraid of loosing her the first few days. I've lost them in the past during the first week of life for no apparent reason so I was hesitant to run right out and buy chicks. Ezzie is 8 days old now and the new chicks are according to the worker who picked out the chicks 5 days old today. Things could still happen and I could loose them but they are reaching the age where I breath a sigh of relief.
Great explanation. :thumbsup

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