This is where they winter. It migrated to here. 😨

At least you can look forward to it racking off in the Spring.
Yesterday really shocked me out of shall we say, my depression, over the losses. I need to take some kind of action. I am actively trying to develop a reasonable response now that I know what I'm dealing with.

I am sort of afraid that there may be no reasonable solution but I need to do something. I am taking all of the bird feeders down as a starter. I had let them run out of seed but now I'm taking them down and putting them away. This breaks my heart a little because I had them years before I had chickens and I had cultured an amazing variety of song birds who visited my yard and sang to me. 😥
What do songbirds eat?

I've planted my garden with a view to food and shelter for the local fauna. I even have a "prickly corner" to grow painfully sharp plants like the Needle bush and Dagger hakea for the little birds and mammals to hide in, away from cats and such. They still have a bit of growing to do to be really effective though. In the meantime they provide flowers and food for the local fauna.

For those interested, here they are.

Needle bush (Hakea sericea). No flowers at the moment but some nice seed pods.

Dagger hakea (Hakea teretifolia). The flowers will be opening soon.

Spiny head mat rush, the kids call it "sword grass". (Lomandra longifolia) pointy on the ends and sharp on the edges.

Mountain Devil (Lambertia formosa)

The whole time I was taking these photos I was going "Ow. Ow. Ow." So they are pointy enough to discourage humans! :lau
I spoke with the game commission. They informed me that I may not harm it in any way. They do not trap and relocate them. They suggested the following:
  • Get a rooster. (If only)
  • Get a Turkey or a Goose. They will beat up a Coopers Hawk and are apparently very fond of chickens. Who knew?
  • Hang shiny metal disks, CDs
  • Netting
  • Keep them in an enclosed space with a covered run. ✔
They gave me the phone number for the USDA saying they might have some other ideas.

It's starting to feel like the nerf gun is going to be my best tool.
High pressure water hose?
Water the garden, fend off the hawk.
Does two jobs in one!
Yesterday really shocked me out of shall we say, my depression, over the losses. I need to take some kind of action. I am actively trying to develop a reasonable response now that I know what I'm dealing with.

I am sort of afraid that there may be no reasonable solution but I need to do something. I am taking all of the bird feeders down as a starter. I had let them run out of seed but now I'm taking them down and putting them away. This breaks my heart a little because I had them years before I had chickens and I had cultured an amazing variety of song birds who visited my yard and sang to me. 😥
Sorry to say it, but that seems like a very reasonable and wise step.
I had to risk put food out for them as I can't jump out of bed so easily, so I put peppermint in the areas they get in

Would anyone know if chickens will pack aluminium?
I seem to remember someone saying you could plug up mouse holes with steel wool. 🤔(probably not the kind with soap in it though. They may eat the soap...)
In case anyone was curious why she was pulled in...View attachment 2920565

Without a permit! :th
I go away for a long weekend and the family misbehaves.

Bob, as you can see, kiddo has tried his hand at photoshop after being inspired by yours 😂
I can't quite tell if she is fishing or tightrope walking...🤔

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