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This picture is from our visit to the vet yesterday. I was hoping Sookie had a stuck egg but found that she has a tumor in her reproductive system. Dr Zoe prescribed meloxicam which I administer twice daily with vitamins. She still eats good but is a little lethargic. It broke my heart to hear we will need to euthanize her at some near point. I remember the day she came home. She was a cute little fuzz ball that the guy at tractor supply gave to Lety because she was the only chick in the store.
How old is Sookie? We had to put down our 6-yr-old Silkie w/a massive bleeding ovarian tumor when her last dark rubbery egg stuck to her outside vent & we rushed her to the vet. It killed us to put her down. About 9 months earlier we got a fart egg but had no clue at the time it was hers or that it was showing a very serious reproductive issue.
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This is Middle, one of my black Australorps. Middle makes a cute noise when I sing the Chickie Snack song. She says, "OHHHHHH!" with a lyrical rising and falling inflection. She's the only one who does it.
Chickens catch on quicker than people give them credit! Our "Mini" heard me call for DH so much we heard her often calling for him w/ the same tone inflections as me. Rather than us learning their language they pick up ours faster!
Mugs Monday:
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Quincy and Becky feeling goooood! They’re fluffier than usual ☺️

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Moa the Marans at 12 weeks and Caroline the impossibly white Olive egger at 11 weeks. These are going to be big girls!

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Pips the hatchery olive egger at nearly 9 weeks. She’s still quite slight, and loves to come chat with me.

View attachment 3852735Haha 😆
OMG they are so pretty! I have a thing for blue chooks! But oh, they are all so stunning!
John Deere is against right to repair. Farmers are actually suing them as far as I know. I believe Louis Rossman on Youtube has a video on the topic. Awful company.
DH told me Deere is like Apple -- parts. etc., exclusive to them only and expensive. Hope everyone's issues get resolved :fl
Now that the chicklets have found the wonderful taste of pasta, they keep begging for more. I’m glad I chose to make shrimp Alfredo pasta for dinner tonight
I'm sure you probably already know this so forgive my post -- Make sure there's no onions or onion powder in the ingredients. Onions are just as toxic to chickens as to dogs.

1) Poisonous ingestion is immediately lethal
2) Toxic ingestion causes mild to severe reactions -- can be slowly lethal

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