Hi everyone. I will try and follow along but I won’t be on much.
Babs died unexpectedly yesterday and I am a bit of a mess.
I will post a tribute to beautiful Babs when I can look at pictures without crying.
Oh no! I am sorry 😞. Please take however long you need. Many virtual hugs coming your way.
Fly high beautiful Babs.
I can’t seem to break broody Xzit. She will only eat and drink if inside the house.
I've had such hard Silkie broodies we had to feed & water by hand in the nestbox or they'd waste away. If I took them off the nest to eat or drink they'd just stare at it and immediately go sulk somewhere or run back to the nest. But feed 'em in the nestbox & they ate! I think really good Silkie roo's will bring food to a nesting hen & even watch over new chicks when they're all hatched.
Update: she’s out in the sand pit happy as a clam taking her dust bath.
At first walking funny goes to Mareks symptom but if she's vaccinated that may not be it. The fact that she's dustbathing can be an attempt on her part to mask a malady -- animals are good at hiding illnesses. You're a good owner so I'm sure you'll keep watching her. :love

Loss of appetite always cause for concern. Only time our hens lose appetite is during molts which is normal.
Is a Buff Orpington supposed to have black feathers on her tail?

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