School Chicks

The 5 blue egg chicks have been rehomed.

This morning a woman whom I sold chicks to last year texted me all upset because her flock had been killed (except on silkie) - she and her husband work from home and had just popped out for 10 minutes to grab something at the store and when they returned all they found were heaps and heaps of feathers.

So she contacted me this morning looking for some older pullets ready to lay age. But I told her I had the school chicks and her husband said chicks were better because they could be tamed early on. He’s a softy, and his ducks were also killed so they next went up the road to my neighbour to get some ducks.

So 5 of the chicks have a new home, and I still have the 2 silkie chicks.

I was glad to give them to her and happy to know my chicks would go to a home were they would be spoiled rotten. I also showed them my poultry netting that can be electrified - which they are going to invest in.

A good day.
What worries me is what kind of security did they lack that 10 minutes away destroys all their chicken & duck flock? Whatever came after their old flock will be back for the new fresh flock!

I pray they do take your advice.
Yes this weekend she is getting put in jail. Gosh what a dingaling all she had to do was accept those chicks and she would be good to go. 😞
I am putting Sylvie in jail this weekend. Ideally she would be done before I leave for my trip.
The lady who will chicken-sit will be OK dealing with her but I would prefer she not have to.
The chickadoo's are a week old. While they are warming up to me, they are terrified of the camera. The wildly marked chicks, I am really curious to see what they end up looking like as adults. I think I only have 1 true black silkie out of the group. Adele, is normal feathered but if the bump on her head is any clue, she will have a killer head poof.
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I may be in love!
Put her in the rain. She'll drowned rat look or move. Keep an eye on her, but the time it will take her to clean up will extend her off nest time...and could snap her out of it.
I read some people break broodies by dunking them in a bucket of water. No idea if that works.

Broody tax: Sylvie, a surprisingly well behaved broody on a forced break.
Darn Truly she broke her stall guard and is out again - another one that drives me bonkers, well she can stay loose till morning.
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I just wanna be FREEEEEEEE, mommy!:lau:lau:lau:lau

Actually, given their strength and size, it is amazing that a little stall guard keeps them in as much as they do.:idunno
Nostalgia tax
Check out the fuzzy legs on this frizzle silkie hahaha I call her Clyde she has hairy legs like a Clydesdale
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And this is the other chick which I had here when I had the wee spraddle legged chick here
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Those Silkie babies are so-o-o darn cute! Get ready for the clown slippers on their feet! :lau
BETTA 5  03-24-2024.jpg

BETTA 14  03-24-2024.jpg




MIKA 15  03-24-2024.jpg
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