My gang does this - they would all rather cram into my office and snooze!
She's out now
Page 19519. :)
I’m at a camp right now, so I think I can be on here for just a minute. I’m going to need to switch my account to PTR so that Dad doesn’t know I posted. I just need to let you guys know what happened, although I know that @notabitail and @Desertvalleychickens already explained a little.

I did the necropsy on the little AC, and I figured out that she had a heart attack (I think.) and she was not a pure AC, which is fine, I’m still bummed out she and the others died.
Dad found out and got super pissed, saying that I’m gonna end up being a psychopath or something. He asked me if I posted it on BYC, and I said yes, because I don’t exactly enjoy lying.
He took my phone and went through all of my messages (both on BYC and on text) and grounded me, telling me to not go on BYC ever again. (Whoops, just this once, I promise.)

So fast forward, last Monday I noticed that there was a hen in with a bunch of broiler roosters at my mom’s work. The dude who owns them had been shooting them at night, and I didn’t want her to be culled. So on Wednesday when I go back to work with Mom, I knock on his door and explain that he has a hen. He had no idea 🤷‍♀️. I offered to buy her, and he said to just take her. Dad knew that I was wanting to rescue her.
I grab the little Lavender Orpington hen and she sits on my lap for 50 minutes until we get home. The whole time I was trying to think of a good name for her, something that has to do with purple.
I told Mom that I’m trying to figure out a name, and she suggests Amethyst (I love names that have to do with gems, as you can tell with Crystal, Opal, and Ruby) I immediately agree.
On Monday I also made plans to take Pastel to where the roosters were (I didn’t know that they were going to be shot - I heard that my mom and her co workers were going to sell them on FB Marketplace.) and once he was gone, I was gonna take a close friend’s rooster, Wren.
Well, I didn’t want Pastel to get his head disintegrated by a shotgun, so I still have him (gosh darn it) although, on Wednesday I got so mad at him because he tried to spur my knee, so I grabbed his tail, flipped him upside down, and grabbed his legs, carrying him outside to his timeout coop. I’ve never held a chicken like that before, but I was ticked off.

I need to figure out what to do with him, but I’ll find something. Worst comes to worst, I’ll just cull him myself (although I would hate that. I might just give him to a friend to do it if I need to)

My Polish are the sweetest things ever, and even the leghorn Aphrodite is letting me pet her now. Goodness, I adore those birds.

Bolt needed her beak trimmed, so I did. She stopped laying eggs so I’m waiting for her to start up again now that she is more comfortable.

Willow’s little cockerel (Bolt’s biological cockerel) is getting so big. He’s a gorgeous dark blue. I have two blue birds now - a dark and a light blue. I love blue chooks 🥰

Auggie and I took a lesson with my instructor. She adored him. I learned how she lunges and how she warms up her horses, and I got a refresher on some things to work on until I see her again. She’s traveling across the country until August - I think she leaves on the 28th.

I am so very sad that I am not allowed on here anymore. You guys are my family and friends, and I enjoy talking to each and every one of you. I am going to need to get off now. I might pop in later, and maybe a few times this week until I leave camp. I’m not sure if I will be able to get on here at all other than that.

Thank you for all the knowledge you have given me 🥰
~ Pastel the Rooster (PtR)
Sylvie is back in jail and although Piglet hasn't committed, she is leaning that way.
All this was too much for Tassels who decided to go broody and is absolutely committed.
This is the THIRD time for Tassels this year. @RebeccaBoyd did warn me, but I was still not prepared!
Basically Tassels is only not broody for three weeks at a time. She lays for two weeks and then goes broody again.
I can't cope!
Why did I put all that effort into building a Chicken Palace for my Princesses, when all I need is a cell block?
I am sorry, this must be a royal pain in the tail feathers!

Plus side (if there is one) you have created a space that suits them so well they want very much to raise their babies there. ❤️
Two broodies for Twofer Tuesday.
No, this is not an old photo. Tassels and Piglet have brought the band back together.
Sylvie failed her day release and joined them so I have popped her back in jail.
This is never ending!
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I know it is frustrating for you - but darn are they cute!!!!

Next year when you get new/more chicks, you need to let them 'brood' them. You'll need to get 6, and give them each 2! :love :love :love ❤️ :love :love :love

The Palace is large enough for an even dozen! (And maybe, just maybe, one 'pullet' will be an accidental cockerel and then you won't really have to worry about broodies, as they will efficiently hatch the eggs for you and then you can have your own 'Mutts are Us Pullets' business. And you can periodically hold back one or two as you need to to continue to get eggs or as an older girl passes. If you have an even dozen (11 girls and a roo), then there will always be someone laying (except during molting season unless you keep an early spring hatch back each year).

11 is a lot for 1 roo to manage, but I suspect Bernie will fill in here and there with escort duties - she would do that at times with Babs....:idunno so why not???
Once my DD had her lid upside-down on her trash can and the upturned lid filled with rain water. As I drove into the driveway the kitty jumped onto the lid and got soaked. That's not the funny part. The next day the lid was still full of water and she shocked herself with another dunking! Do cats have such short memories?

We just broke our two 4-yr-old broody Silkies when one of the new pullets decided to go broody. Silkies go broody year round. If you want a broody Silkie just drop a dime!!!

None of our standard chickens ever went broody. Only our Silkies did.

MIKA the current broody butt
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Seems everything goes broody here.

When one goes broody it’s contagious! Next thing I know I have one after another going broody!

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