
Three for Tuesday
Big day for the chickadoo's. First time they experienced a complete change of the brooder bedding. I have been skimming the surface and adding a touch-up. Today I emptied it completely. They were traumatized. Well, they acted like they were. Everything replaced new and fresh and what are they doing? It took them 30 seconds to start trashing it little hoodlums. I was able to catch them in the act of dustbathing for the first time. I took a few pictures before I turned back on their heat lamp. That is Reba/Barbosa dust bathing.
Thanks for explaining and for putting this out on honey. I never imagined it it could be a risk for chickens !
Yes, having a vet option is wonderful but it's not always possible. We have a vet we trust at about 80%, but the issue for us is that it is a very long stressful drive. She will give advice by phone or mail and exceptionally send prescriptions by mail if it's urgent.

I treat my chicken's health like my own. If there is a reasonable, well researched homemade remedy, or one that is harmless, I will use it, but I will also definitely see the doctor or vet and use modern medications when it seems appropriate.

Yes, me too. Kelly, I hope this doesn't come out blunt, but shouldn't you downsize your flock ? Why have so many chickens if you can't see them for half the year?
I know you have to take care of your senior horses and I realise that is a huge cost. But wouldn't there be some other way ?

I think vet care is comparatively cheaper here, although with the differences in life costs and salaries it's hard to say. I had two hens undergo surgery with full anesthesia for bumblefoot. I paid 80 and 100 euros ; one was more complex to operate as there was no scab and the abscess was in the middle of the foot and had to be opened from above. To give an idea, our monthly medium wage is 2500 euros, and our minimum wage 1300. The most expensive operation I paid for a chicken was Caramel's ovariectomy, which she did not survive. That was 300 euros and included four days of hospitalisation and several imagery. Don't get me wrong, that's about 3/4 of what I need to live here for a month, but it still seems more affordable than in the US and Canada.

Mugs after so much talk about money. My last ex-batt, Nougat, is very unwell. I was certain the other chickens would be very mean to her once she would come near the end as she has been such a bully, but it's quite the opposite- they are all taking turns in the run to keep her company.

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Tiny broodies locked out of the coop- Chipie and Merle
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Gaston. I was very upset that he mated Nougat yesterday and almost killed her. But I suppose it's my fault for not separating them. Today he was more careful with my chaperoning him.
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Such beautiful chickens. 😍
Happy Mugs Monday everyone.

The goslings are growing like weeds!

Yesterday morning's pic (and, yes, that is the same dishbin as the original pic - if I am not quick with their pen cleanout - they now hop out of the dishbin and frolic!:barnie )
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View attachment 3871311(just for comparison - 2 weeks ago:View attachment 3871324

In good news, though, I have today and tomorrow off - so as long as it doesn't rain, I will have their new outdoor coop ready/finished. and with bedding and a cozy box with extra bedding, they should be okay without heat. If it is going to cool off too much at night, I can bring them in in the evening for another week - more than a week and they will just plain old be too big for their brooder.

And, look, their wings are finally starting to grow!:gig
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Hey look, a box of quackers :love
I will use this for Mugs Monday.
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This little one facing the camera. The biggest of the silkies and the most judgmental one in the group. I get scathing looks from her and if I already did not have a Karen, she would be it. That one will either be my Barbosa or my Reba. Besides Adele she is the only one who's personality separates her from the rest. In a way, I really, really want this one to be Barbosa. Zoom in and look at it's expression. It is clearly demanding to speak to my manager.
You have already repurposed Lilly, have you considered Patsy after Patsy Cline?


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