I'm sorry you did not get the help you needed. This thread is still going 5 years later because I want to tell the stories of my chickens. It will likely still be going 5 years from now. I could be on here alone at that point, who knows.

At first it was just about my chickens but now it has morphed into a social thread where a group of like minded people talk about their chickens. Why my thread became everyone's hang out spot I could not tell you. You'd have to ask them. Anyone want to share why they ended up here?
Because of the wonderful people here, the great general knowledge, and the accepting, no - welcoming - nature of you and those you have attracted! ❤️
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So I've been pondering names for the chicks. I do not think I am going to stick 100% to the theme now.

I have Adele for sure. I hope to have a Patsy, and a Reba. My sister and Rosie insist there be a Tayler. I am deviating from the theme with 2. Barbosa or Hector when he is in trouble for a potential roo and Alexandria or Alexis for another. I cannot think of a singer named Alex offhand. I think the little black one will be Tina if a pullet for the last one. I was debating between Tina and Aretha and while doing dishes and pandora playing one of my favorite songs played. "The Best" that sealed the deal for Tina.
So I've been pondering names for the chicks. I do not think I am going to stick 100% to the theme now.

I have Adele for sure. I hope to have a Patsy, and a Reba. My sister and Rosie insist there be a Tayler. I am deviating from the theme with 2. Barbosa or Hector when he is in trouble for a potential roo and Alexandria or Alexis for another. I cannot think of a singer named Alex offhand. I think the little black one will be Tina if a pullet for the last one. I was debating between Tina and Aretha and while doing dishes and pandora playing one of my favorite songs played. "The Best" that sealed the deal for Tina.
Lorez Alexandria was a jazz singer. (go with the last name)
Or AleXa , though this one I know nothing about their actual singing, as I am not a K-pop connoisseur.

How did you come up with Barbosa or Hector???? How about Luther - most Roos have a great crow (thinking Luther Ingram or Luther Vandross). AND when you are upset - he is going to ''you know where', and 'Luther' can slip to 'Lucifer'

Just so you know - I am really NOT pushing you to name your lovely chooks anything special - please name them what tickles YOUR fancy. I just thought Luther 'slipping' and becoming 'Lucifer' when he is bad is a funny but easy 'slip of the tongue'

I know he will be loved and treasured regardless of what you call him.❤️❤️❤️❤️
I will share :)

I was eagerly (impatiently) anticipating the arrival of my first chicks when I unexpectedly broke my ankle. In search of advice, reassurance, and a way to pass the time, I stumbled upon BYC and began reading BY Bob's thread from the beginning.

What I discovered was a community of people who generously shared their experiences, insights, and knowledge. I initially came for the delightful stories of chicken keeping, but I stayed because of the incredible community that makes this thread so special.
I remember this!

How has your ankle been? Does it bother you?

I must say your flock has grown into a beautiful group of hens and Roos ♥️
Didn't you know 🤔

Kelly is building a city just for her expanding flock, flocks 😉
Hahaha nope

But if I win the lottery I am gonna build a separate barn for the horses and let the chooks take over this one!

I am getting tired of scraping chicken poop off the alleyway floor! Those brick pavers are murder to keep clean!
Yup - that is the way of the chicken! :lau
Well tonight I am gonna read them some rules!


I am sure they will listen.

Just look there they are all trying to cram in there again

And no one in Hen House B - yet.

Well time to get them settled for the night and horses fed.

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