Neurotic Pullet. I have been explaining to Little Latte that she is supposed to look as pretty as she does. It’s a trait found in most Orpington ladies. She doesn’t seem to understand. She is very sweet but also quite sensitive about certain things.
And she’s not a touchy feel kind of Pullet either. She in the house with me (air conditioning :cool:) and she gets treats
I have loved each and every one of my boys. Actually I build stronger bonds with my boys and If it came down to it I prefer the boys to the girls. That has been a huge problem as with my personal flock to date my girls ratio of producing boys/girls is heavily skewed to producing boys. 50/50 ratio that one should expect, yeah no, how about roughly a 75/25 and oftentimes worse ratio of producing boys. I get involved and as hands on as I can be with the chicks no matter if they are broody raised or I raise them myself. It does not help that just about every single time those little boys gravitate towards me and as chicks when sex is still not able to be determined are the sweetest and worm their way into my heart and become my favorite. EVERY SINGLE TIME my favorite in a group is a boy when they are not bought as pullets. My current group I have a favorite. The sweetest, wants to be held constantly and has me wrapped around it's toes is Adele. The rest will come up to me, peck my fingers to interact and sit on my hand if I do not move it but are skittish if I try to hold them. My gut is telling me if I go by experience, Adele will be a boy and the rest of the chicks, the silkies pullets. I could not get that lucky though. Here is hoping. Hens determine gender not the boys. First time ever hatching from Poppet and if I am not mistaken Betty as well. Poppet may break the trend of being a boy mom.

I also agree, for their size silkies lay good size eggs. My other previous bantam Momma Hen laid big eggs as well. My large fowl cochin girls, they lay the smallest eggs. Big birds but eggs smaller then a silkie.
Betty’s eggs are so small still, no where near as big as her mums. So strange! And she weighs next to nothing! She is just all feathers - I really should weigh her incase she does go broody.
@notabitail here you go, as requested:View attachment 3875936View attachment 3875937
I swear they have doubled in size since going out Tuesday (?or was it Wed?)

And, some 'Friday night specials':View attachment 3875943View attachment 3875944
I wasn't quick enough to catch a picture of 3 of the group looking down at me with with the evil eye ("Hey, mom, you a perv or something, taking pics of our bottoms - cut it out!")

And, yes, this is part of the 'tree sitters chicken guild' that take their evening job quite seriously - these are about 7.5-8' up - I have to take them down one at a time using the handle of a shovel. Every. Single. Night. sigh...but I love them anyways! They are worse than teenagers (human) if you ask me. At least teenagers you can ground!:idunno:th:lau:th:idunno
Gosh they are sweet, what colour will they be?

Now this is why I don’t let my gang out without my being around! Who knows where they would end up roosting?!
More stress and worry

Tonight one of the Americana chicks had a bloody poop. They are receiving medicated chick starter (amprol) and of course it’s a long weekend so no Veterinarian help likely. I know my horse vet will get meds for me but what meds to get?

Does anyone have any ideas? Coccidiosis? Something else? As far as I know it’s the only chick showing any issues.


To say I was completely freaked out would be an understatement. I had them outside for the first time and they were roaming and doing normal chickie things. Then the one deposited this at my feet 😢
More stress and worry

Tonight one of the Americana chicks had a bloody poop. They are receiving medicated chick starter (amprol) and of course it’s a long weekend so no Veterinarian help likely. I know my horse vet will get meds for me but what meds to get?

Does anyone have any ideas? Coccidiosis? Something else? As far as I know it’s the only chick showing any issues.

View attachment 3876136View attachment 3876137

To say I was completely freaked out would be an understatement. I had them outside for the first time and they were roaming and doing normal chickie things. Then the one deposited this at my feet 😢
That looks awful 😢
That looks awful 😢
Yes I was / am totally freaked out. I might call my vet to see if he has any sulfadimethoxine I can mix in their water.

Is this crazy wet weather to blame for it if it’s coccidiosis? I have not had this before. Also this chick arrived with pasty butt - could this be a symptom?
This whole reflection thing reminds me of Grandma being inside the house looking at herself in the oven door prior to us getting a new oven.
View attachment 3876007
Also, there is something funny for you all for Caturday tomorrow.

Who knew chickens were so vain about their looks? Any window, any pair of glasses, any camera lens, or mirror gives them pause to stop and admire their reflections!

Parking in front of the oven window

Oooo -- My slippers are so pretty!

Is this my new friend?

And who are you?

Two birds think they're a flock of four!

Hello Mom! That's ME in your lens!
Yes I was / am totally freaked out. I might call my vet to see if he has any sulfadimethoxine I can mix in their water.

Is this crazy wet weather to blame for it if it’s coccidiosis? I have not had this before. Also this chick arrived with pasty butt - could this be a symptom?
I’m not sure. My Wyandottey doesn’t know anything either. image.jpg
I have loved each and every one of my boys. Actually I build stronger bonds with my boys and If it came down to it I prefer the boys to the girls. That has been a huge problem as with my personal flock to date my girls ratio of producing boys/girls is heavily skewed to producing boys. 50/50 ratio that one should expect, yeah no, how about roughly a 75/25 and oftentimes worse ratio of producing boys. I get involved and as hands on as I can be with the chicks no matter if they are broody raised or I raise them myself. It does not help that just about every single time those little boys gravitate towards me and as chicks when sex is still not able to be determined are the sweetest and worm their way into my heart and become my favorite. EVERY SINGLE TIME my favorite in a group is a boy when they are not bought as pullets. My current group I have a favorite. The sweetest, wants to be held constantly and has me wrapped around it's toes is Adele. The rest will come up to me, peck my fingers to interact and sit on my hand if I do not move it but are skittish if I try to hold them. My gut is telling me if I go by experience, Adele will be a boy and the rest of the chicks, the silkies pullets. I could not get that lucky though. Here is hoping. Hens determine gender not the boys. First time ever hatching from Poppet and if I am not mistaken Betty as well. Poppet may break the trend of being a boy mom.

I also agree, for their size silkies lay good size eggs. My other previous bantam Momma Hen laid big eggs as well. My large fowl cochin girls, they lay the smallest eggs. Big birds but eggs smaller then a silkie.
That is puzzling why big birds lay smaller eggs. Our 4.5-lb Leghorns layed large, not XL, yet still larger eggs than hens that weighed more. The only XL egg layer we ever had was a big Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (my BYC avatar pic). After sampling a few breeds over the years we're back to Silkies for their gentler temperament, inability to fly away, decent egg size, and of course their cuteness :)
That is puzzling why big birds lay smaller eggs. Our 4.5-lb Leghorns layed large, not XL, yet still larger eggs than hens that weighed more. The only XL egg layer we ever had was a big Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (my BYC avatar pic). After sampling a few breeds over the years we're back to Silkies for their gentler temperament, inability to fly away, decent egg size, and of course their cuteness :)
Up until this year my silkies were one of my most reliable layers when they weren’t broody. I haven’t had an egg from my silkies in about 2 months.

One is broody, one is moulting, and the other 2 I have idea why they aren’t laying. Though maybe Fluffy is laying and I am mixing her egg up with someone else’s but I don’t think so.

They are all 3 yrs old now.

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