Well I was going to ask if you took your puffer!
I can’t puff around CeeCee:
For the last 2 months me and my sister have essentially been torturing each other. My sister has finally taken a interest in antiques. She picked a pattern of Pyrex Cinderella stacking bowls. Thanks to grandma who had the missing bowl she has all 4 sizes in her chosen pattern. Now she has decided she wants a curio cabinet with all 4 bowls in other patterns to display. She also knows I have a desire for a collection of the hens on nests. She likes them, but she thinks the rabbits are prettier. So what do we do to each other. We scout antique pages and sites and send each other pictures to tease one another. She also hits a antique shop or mall about once a month away from here to just "Look". I hit yard sales occasionally with mom. A month ago I found the larger bowl in her pattern and thought it was the one she needed and found it dirt cheap so I got it. Like the gracious big sister I am I went ahead and let her have it saying happy early birthday, do not speak to me in November. Well, wrong size, needed the one smaller that was at grandma's but she snatched it anyway. I get a smirk and a "you are waiting until christmas". Yesterday she took it to a whole different level went she tagged me in this photo.

It had a matching hen as well. That dog, she waited until they both had sold before she tagged me. Yes I know I have sent some that killed her but this one, this was just flat out mean. If that rooster is not under my tree this year next time I have to cat sit for her while she is out of town I am reclaiming my bowl, and the one she got from grandmas.
Awwww I am saddened to hear you lost her - our pets sure do give us pleasure but also at times sadness.
Every single bird we lost was a good layer including one very good Silkie layer! Birds that were seldom layers lived the longest lives in our flock. We hated losing ANY birds but didn't feel as badly about the long-lived birds. It's losing chicks before their life is started or the young one- or two-year hens that layed well that didn't survive heatstroke -- that was really sad. Tears you up :(

Every heatwave DH is more determined to watch any egg-layer is not overheated in a nestbox. The really bad temps we bring a layer indoors now.

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