Some good news - the newbies are finally allowed to come out of coop and were out with the bigs today. They are getting so big. I am looking forward to getting some good photos soon.

Some bad news - Cinnamon passed last night. I found her curled up by the chicks feeder this morning on the ground. Nothing at all appeared to be wrong with her nor had I seen any indication of a problem in the last few days. She was only 2.
She was a beautiful Wellsummer and very sweet. Fly high sweet girl.
View attachment 3893864
View attachment 3893865
I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs:hugs:hugsShe was a beautiful girl.
Look who got caught sleeping today.
Some good news - the newbies are finally allowed to come out of coop and were out with the bigs today. They are getting so big. I am looking forward to getting some good photos soon.

Some bad news - Cinnamon passed last night. I found her curled up by the chicks feeder this morning on the ground. Nothing at all appeared to be wrong with her nor had I seen any indication of a problem in the last few days. She was only 2.
She was a beautiful Wellsummer and very sweet. Fly high sweet girl.
View attachment 3893864
View attachment 3893865
So sorry and so sad to lose such a pretty girl :(

Cinnamon is one of my favorite names and Wellies are one of the prettiest birds! Perplexing how our birds are suddenly gone without rhyme or reason?

Here is our Cinnamon Lacewing variety of English Budgie and of course her name was "Cinnamon" too. :love
Took Sherlock down to the river today to get him past his dislike of water.

Backstory: he fell into the pool at the breeder's the day I brought him home. Hasn't wanted to get his feet wet (got him ok with puddles and water in face). Haven't really had opportunities to go swimming, so made one today. At the remotish campsite, discovered someone had left their campfire burning

Ring is on other side of the stacked wood. And a log outside the ring also still going. Had a jug of water in the rig, so dowsed the fire, refilled at the river...twice, then dowsed again just before we left.

I went wading, he came to join me, then got curious. Out came the frisbee....


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