Hi! This is my first story so sorry if I do something wrong...

Yesterday I went out to my hens to bring them some treats, when I saw a Cicada, I knew my chickens would love that way more then the corn I brought so I put it down, grabed a broom and had a ten minute war with it! (It would not die!) After I finally won, I picked it up (Ew! I know!) Got my chickens in there run, and threw the Cicada, wich started the first ever Cicada ball tournament. My hen Peaches (picture bellow) took it and ran like a chicken without a head around in circles. Peaches than swalloed the Cicada hole and my other hen Snooze grabed the wing and almost pulled it out. So, I guess I need to find more Cicadas for them. Haha!

Peaches:View attachment 3896457

Snooze: View attachment 3896463
What a nice juicy treat. 😆
Truly reminds me of our old Silkie Violet. As Violet aged and in her last couple years she took slower and slower walks up the coop ramp until one day she stopped in the middle -- not cuz she was stubborn -- she was uncomfortable. The next day she didn't even try the ramp and just huddled on the cold floor. It was obvious she was hurting somewhere so we brought her into the house for some cuddles and chitchat and gave her a soft-lined box for the night. Her wee heart stopped less than an hour later.
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
one of them loves finding spots to roost on.
not only did this zucchini get big while i was gone, it grew a conjoined twin!
I am hoping and praying my baby silkies are girls. Though I am fearful that Clyde-ette is a Clyde.

Clyde-Ette (because she had feathers like a Clydesdale on her legs as a wee baby)

And Georgie Girl
View attachment 3896865

Your Georgie girl looks similar to our non-bearded Moorhead Partridge "Keiko"

KEIKO -- our sweet comical little clown

KEIKO 9  03-24-2024.jpg

OUTDOOR PULLETS 7  06-29-2024.jpg

This is KEIKO's momma PUMPKIN SPICE from Buckaboo Farm
I find fires like that very frightening. Please stay safe.
We're keeping a close eye on updates, including where evacuation prep orders are, wind directions, weather forecasts, and staying hydrated. So far, its stayed pretty small, but with all the fuel, could turn quickly. It's a lot closer to work than home, but home is the general direction the wind can push it. Scary, so staying calm (at least for the time being).

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