This evening I will have a huge photo and video dump. It is a big day today. At 4 weeks old Adele and the Branchlets went outside for the first time. To say their little minds was blown would be an understatement. It took them 30 minutes to get brave and come out of hiding and start exploring. Once they found and used their waterer and started having zoomies and using those wings I came back inside. I will be out checking on them every 30 minutes or so but so far so good.
Gotta love a chick with the zoomies!
I originally was going to go with a pottery (porcelain) name but the bellbottoms on this chick makes me think it needs a disco name. 20240720_212116.jpg
Also I know nothing about d'uccles, is that a big comb for...not sure how many weeks? 😳
Good pic of the pants on this fantastic little cutie

Also hubby thinks this one is his Ric Flair...we shall see...
The poof is much squarer than the blue polish.
The prescription drug that my doctor prescribed for me is too strong and made me sick. I’ve been in bed since yesterday evening.
Xzit has finally finished her broody session and is hanging out with the other chickens finally.
Tax for the medical talk:View attachment 3897426
I was prescribed a vicadin/tylenol blend at the ER when I broke my arm. I was so sick from the 1st dose and after the 2nd pill my stomach was in such pain it was worse than the broken arm pain so I stopped taking them!!!😡

Silkies make dust bath holes in the garden bed
There is a black rooster down at the barn. No getting close to him, he is very skittish. He is also not a game rooster, body shape maybe a Australop. I did not see a hen with chicks or even hear them. I went in the barn, behind the barn and walked both sides of the creek bank and around the house. I did see a small pile of black feathers outside the ring that is slightly disturbing. It did not look like enough lost though to make me think a chicken was taken. I did do a head count, all 19 of my hens accounted for in the back yard. That does not mean the hen is not down there. She could have her chicks far enough up the hill I could not see or hear or she could have gotten under the big farmhouse as there are a few openings. I scattered a coffee can full of feed behind the barn for the rooster and possible momma. I will also head back down around dusk this evening to scout around again.

Here is the rooster

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