Yesterday was, yes. I took the day off work and we went out to the big town an hour away. Plan had been to drop the dog for a groom while we had areally nice meal and then do some shopping. Hadn't even ordered when Petco called and the dog was throwing a fit every time they touched her and they couldn't groom her. She even tried to bite the groomer! She was fine in the kennel, so we left her long enough to eat. In fact, she was just fine altogether. She apparently just was too anxious. So this little stinker remains a shaggy mess and she messed up my plans! The shopping moved to today. Another 2-hour round trip...but she can just stay home. View attachment 3938165

Happy Caturday from me and my spoiled dog.
Happy belated Birthday! 🎉🥳🎂
@RebeccaBoyd is it not your birthday today? Well if I'm wrong please apply this to the correct day.

Happy Birthday! 🎂🥳🎉


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