Our other two residents came to us in April as chicks. My wife raised them until they moved outside and then they became my responsibility.

Hattie is our lavender orpington hen. She has not starting laying yet but i expect she will once the days turn longer.
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Jabberwockie, Jabber for short, was supposed to be an Easter Egger hen, however, he is clearly not a hen.
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He and Hattie are inseperable.
Omg that is a beautiful Orpington!
Good morning and happy Caturday everyone. We still have the 4 kittens who are holy terrors. I was given a heart attack for my birthday from my favorite boy Panda.

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Now, having horses and chickens over the years there have been a few rats killed outside. CeeCee is lethal with them if she gets a chance. I could say though that we had never had one inside. Well that has changed. I get up this morning and head to the coffee pot. The kittens are having a ball making a ruckus in the laundry room, nothing new. CeeCee is still snoring at the foot of my bed, where she has been all night with the door shut. Here comes Panda strolling into the kitchen meowing and very proudly dragging a RAT!!!! It was still twitching and I screamed. Panda was tackled by his siblings fighting over who got the "toy". After my heart attack I grabbed a paper towel and fought the devils to get it away from them. Lots of growling, hissing and swiping at me but I won. I took it outside still slightly alive and finished it off and tossed it into the creek. Now my chickens are having a field day attacking it. I am proud of the kittens, they have never stepped foot outside, yet they proved themselves this morning. I already told mom, all 4 need to stay.
That's why cats are so useful. Death to rodents.
Everyone waiting for the sardines tonight and causing havoc. Princess pinched the dogs sliced cucumber and the cat tried to steal princesses sardines and failed miserable

Mum hurry up or I'll die of hunger

Pusscat waits for sardines to be put into his bowl

Princess on guard with her sardines behind her
@RebeccaBoyd & @ILoveDaffy ~ every year there seems to be an overabundance of one particular pest & this year it's been RATS! We got another one in the garage cage trap yesterday!

Keep foods either in the fridge or sealed container crocks or glass. Don't store packaged foods in the pantry as the filthy little buggers will chew thru boxes or paper to feast on our groceries!

The younger the cat the better mousers they are. The older cats are too bored usually at chasing rodents. I think that's why my mom rotated cats on the farm.
She's looking for those earthworms! When rains are flooding here we see the worms crawling out across the roads, driveways, sidewalks, etc!
I don’t like Sunday mornings because I see a lady at church that picks up the earthworms and throws them in the grass (to save them!) I’m guessing. :idunno

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