"Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say I really don't think you're strong enough, no"
Give him time to heal. He's a handsome bird, if more laid back than Rudy is. Makes an EXCELLENT rooster. Whiskey struck me that way as a cockerel....then I'd see him do things like call the ladies away from the area his more fiery "brothers" were fighting in. I never saw him fight with them. Instead, I saw him quietly courting the ladies and standing watch. The ladies fell for him more readily than the more fiery brats. Now, with Cheetah, he simply played backup and didn't try to step on his toes. Now it seems that he's above Cheetah in rank, but I don't see him chase Cheetah off either. Tuff, Cheetah, and Hector have a more rocky relationship, and Whiskey will go after Tuff when he's being a brat. Whiskey is also my go to when one of the ladies needs overnight TLC inside.

From what you've said about this buff orp roo, it sounds like he's got a similar personality. I pray the 2 guys find a happy medium working together with the ladies. If he's that much like Whiskey, he will be a happy to get along, calm asset for your ladies.

With him being under the weather, you will give him the best care possible, as you do with every one of your birds. Use this time to build a stronger relationship with him. He will call you out when he needs help with something in the yard that's beyond their abilities to deal with.
My Orpington roo, is a suave and sophisticated, little roo. He’s just learning the ropes of roosterhood.
I’m attempting to give him as much attention as I can.
Right now he’s out with the EE girls, scratching in the dusty yard.
Maybe Pony will get this better than Featherhead...
You probably already know it's a song, but at least you answered the question.
Everyone’s interpretation can be different. I ‘believe’ that this artist would have interrupted the song in relation to her own ‘lost love’.

(FYI- I remember seeing these two when I was youngster, back in the 70s, they ‘had each other’ back then)

Don’t worry I gotch-you babe

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