Yep Fenix was originally 800 but we got him for less because the lady liked that I wanted to train him as a service dog. He's too nervous for the job but he does do the alerts for migraines, anxiety attacks, and was starting to learn allergen alerting before we decided he wasn't going to be able to be in public. He's a big help at home though!
Your Fenix is indeed special! My back fence neighbor for the 39 yrs I lived at this cottage was advanced in yrs so her kids bought her a Pomeranian companion "Precious". At 92 yrs old she walked Precious around the neighborhood nearly every day. While I worked on the front yard they always stopped by to visit. Both my neighbor & Precious have passed & we sure do miss them.
I started this yestersay, but forgot to post it so here is a late Mugshot Monday
Mozzarella is starting to act like a rooster...

I could really use a service dog. Grandma wont allow any more pets in the house until my cat passes away, we don't have the money for a dog anyway right now. But if we are ever able to get one, my dad wants to choose the breed. He wants the typical "manly" breed, a big dog that will be a good family dog but also a watch/guard dog, like a german shepherd 🙄 (not that I have anything against german shepherds. My dad is just too obsessive over these traits that he wants in a dog). He's also more recently leaned toward wanting a blue heeler/ACD, or just some smart breed with energy that will also relax with its people. I've tried to tell him that it has to do with the individual dog's personality and how it's trained but again, he's so ultra stuck on his idea of a "perfect dog" UGH...

I would happily adopt some mutt from a shelter or rescue. Big dog, small dog, scruffy dog, sleek dog, ugly dog, pretty dog, lazy dog, playful dog, doesn't matter to me! I've always been a dog person
My experience w/farm animals, cage birds, dogs, chickens, etc ~ you don't pick an animal ~ they do the choosing.

For instance, I had picked one of 3 Dominique chicks to be my favorite but she grew up to prefer my DH while another Dom chick picked me as her favorite human following me around the yard. Animals are just as choosy & opinionated as people.
Crows 🐦‍⬛ like walnuts, and if you get some and take a walk, throw some on the ground and see if they will eat them?
Yes, they are very smart at crushing walnut shells by dropping them from the air to smash open on the ground below. Crows are an extremely intelligent species.
Of course. I have a quarantine/broody breaking coop that will work out.
Where are you finding these beautiful grown birds? We have to travel to the next county to get grown hens. Sometimes the local feed store has a roo or two for free but I'm not zoned for roo's.
Where are you finding these beautiful grown birds? We have to travel to the next county to get grown hens. Sometimes the local feed store has a roo or two for free but I'm not zoned for roo's.
Tis the season, people raise chicks with their kids or have a broody secret hatch, now the kids are back in school so the pullets and cockerels go up for sale. It does help though, because of zoning rules it is better to buy a known hen or pullet.
These girls are extras from a local farm breeding/egg sales group.
Yes, they are very smart at crushing walnut shells by dropping them from the air to smash open on the ground below. Crows are an extremely intelligent species.
A little back stage Disneyland secret, (I worked there for several years) the ravens would drop the walnuts into the parking lot and people wouldn’t figure out where the dents came from! Ha!
Tax: IMG_4675.jpeg

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