Many yrs ago I discovered what I thought looked like a baby fox in a cardboard box on my front porch. It was so cute peeking out it's little pointed snout & dark little eyes looking up at me. Such a cute baby fox w/ a reddish coat that let me pick it up. I didn't know what to do w/it & put it in the house in our old Rottweiler carrier. Gave it water but not sure about food. I still wasn't convinced if it was a puppy fox or a puppy dog. I asked the neighbors on my street if anyone lost a puppy & no one had lost one.

I kept the baby overnight to decide in the morning to call animal rescue & seriously wanting to keep the puppy if it was not a fox cuz it was so darn sweet as animal babies can be.

The next morning a knock on the door from a distant neighbor said my close neighbors told her about me having found a puppy & she had lost a baby Pomeranian. She bred Pomeranians & one got lost. Since she described it exactly I knew it was hers & brought out the cute little bugger to her. It was so excited to be in her arms! I was kinda sad & she offered another litter mate for sale but at the time they went for $1000 way beyond my budget teehee!

Oh well, that's the closest I came to having a Pomeranian!

If it were me I would have given you that puppy ♥️ Without your kindness it would have died.

But that’s me - I want to reward people for kindness.
Ok a late 2 for Tuesday

2 silkie chickies

2 grey hens

Hard to get only 2! They all had the zoomies today!
The silkies are growing fast

Clyde is such a little turnip, he is trying to woo me over, dancing and tidbitting and trying to have his wicked ways with me hahaha. And then he wants his cuddle, typical guy.

Georgie (girl?) is such a sweetheart- gosh if she isn’t a girl I will bawl!

And Sophia is pretty much 100% she gave me a bit of a scare there a few weeks ago.
Georgie is clearly a pullet (note the roundness of her crest and tail vs Clyde's wispy streamers). Clyde knows he must charm you to stay. (I think you need him too). Glad Sophia is feeling better.
He’s a charmer all right haha.

I really worry about him, I don’t need him and Mr LC to start fighting. I don’t have extra space for all these crazy Roos.

What I need is to win the lottery and build me a couple more barns! ♥️

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