I figure if they have laid a crap load of eggs for me, then o can let them retire and enjoy their end days. But then I have the space for that.Random question! I figured this is as good a place as any to ask since you've all been so helpful
Should I expect my girls to not live very long once they're done producing? Since they're all from a big hatchery and bred for production. I've read that chickens bred for production usually go downhill healthwise as they age and stop laying. But I've also read that, SLW for example can live 6-12 years. My dad would prefer to cull once they're done laying. I'm on the fence about that and would rather only cull if QOL isn't good anymore. His biggest concern is continuing to feed them ($$), but since they're going to be free range I don't think that will be much of an issue. They already prefer to forage in the garden rather than eat their feed 90% of the time
Anyway, it's not something I need to worry about for a while yet, but I want to be prepared!
Fluffy butt tax
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I have my BIL’s three sex-link layers that are over 5 yrs old now. One is very active and looks great, one is doing ok, and Red is looking very decrepit but when there is food involved she will beat the crap out of the others to get her share.
As long as they still enjoy their food and get around ok, I let them be.