We have a saying in the horse world

“It costs just as much money to feed a good horse as a bad one”

Some dogs are not trainable due to genetics, etc. it is better for them and the safety of others if they are euthanized. Big small doesn’t matter. If it’s a bad behaviour animal it should be removed from society.

In the wild animals who are unstable do not survive.

Ok and here is the tax for non chicken chit chat
(FYI TOMTE when we get off topic and chat about anything other than chickens we must pay a tax - photos of our chooks 🥰, I look forward to seeing more of your beauties 😊)

Grabbed some photos this evening.

One of the youngest chickies - not sure if it’s Patches or Icy - I think Patches, isn’t her little topknot cute?! I have no idea what she is, I thought Sapphire Gem, but they don’t have crests.
View attachment 3941778

And Daisy’s look alike Little Mouse the wee chick who I was afraid would perish from coccidiosis, one of the Hoover Americana chicks.
View attachment 3941779

And hey Fluffy where are you going?!
View attachment 3941780
I did my utmost to remove the “bad behavior from society” just seems like a hopeless attempt. The crime rate has been on increase for years now. 👮‍♂️
Dakota has been doing it again. She chases away all the younger chooks even the roosters. She will guard treats and not let them have any. Then she wants in the house. (Nothing special in the house) but she likes eating the chick feed I keep inside. I’m frustrated. I want to be close to the newer ones so they can be more comfortable and friendly. :th

I don’t know why they love this bush so much. They have ~1/4 acre of woods but they have only managed to explore 25% of it in the past 5 weeks of unsupervised free ranging. What spoiled brats 🤣
Dakota has been doing it again. She chases away all the younger chooks even the roosters. She will guard treats and not let them have any. Then she wants in the house. (Nothing special in the house) but she likes eating the chick feed I keep inside. I’m frustrated. I want to be close to the newer ones so they can be more comfortable and friendly. :th
Tis the way of the chicken. Same issues here. Bossy pants Raven keeps the chickies away from me.

Meanwhile Mr LC got the stuffing beat out of him by Twister tonight - he tried to breed her and she turned around the grabbed him and threw him off. Then she stalked him down and beat the crap out of him. Of course he runs to me for protection haha. Nope sorry buddy you deserved that!

I checked him over when I put Twister away in the Hen House. He’s ok.

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