Beautiful! Green ~ my favorite color. Our birds always liked to snooze under big bushes or trees ~ Yours chose your pine. Looks like those large pipes make good exploring ~ probably lots of insects & spiders! Ours love spiders :)

Digging for crickets,'wigs, spiders
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They don't go into the pipes, but the bunnies do. I noted that the bunnies can no longer get into the yard now that I put up that security fencing, the chooks had great fun watching them hop up and down the fence.

Had an issue with Tippy also running up and down the fence-line in a panic trying to get back IN. She and her sisters, Eli-too, and Butterscotch are all brats - they fly out of the run, then go around the back of the barn and back into the yard through the poultry netting. Of course that's gone now and they can't get back into the yard due to the new security fencing. Tomorrow night I will need to make sure they go into the yard side and not the run itself so they don't fly the coop....

There's always troublemakers in every group.

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