If I were to take him @BY Bob road trip becomes complicated. After dropping off Versace to me he then has to head to your house. I will have Randy caught and he can come to you. If you agree to that, well, we may have something to think about here.
That would be quite a chicken road trip!
I'm feeling so sad at all the overpopulation of roo's :(. In the wild the male birds, mammals, & reptiles, fight sometimes to the death to expand their harems & survival of the fittest males continues a succeeding generation. But it's not fights to the death we want to see in a farm setting. At least most private farmers dispatch their surplus roo's w/ utmost care & humanity 🐓.
If I were to take him @BY Bob road trip becomes complicated. After dropping off Versace to me he then has to head to your house. I will have Randy caught and he can come to you. If you agree to that, well, we may have something to think about here.
For what it's worth, I had to go play with the genetics calculator. Bearing in mind that "tolbunt" isn't one of the choices for color/pattern markings and I'm totally unsure what the actual genetic markers for it are, there's a high chance of tricolor offspring (with Julio style crests) if Versace crossed with the speckled sussex. If the tolbunt pattern is a variation of mottled, then most offspring will be split to mottled and have a chance of passing it to subsequent offspring. What solid color offspring might be....? Possibly mother's color, possibly Versace gold, black, or white....possibly have mottling pop in adult moults. Gorgeous offspring no matter what....now, for the roundabout road trip rooster shuffle.
Thanks Alex. It's disappointing but we can't change it. Hopefully we could try again next year
I know it's not for everyone but DNA-sexing has saved us a lot of grief :yesss:. Not only do we get the gender we want but in colors of our choice w/o the waiting period of hatching & guessing at male/female characteristics to emerge. Auto-sexing breeds are also helpful. All depends on what you keep chickens for ~ eggs/meat/or pets?
For what it's worth, I had to go play with the genetics calculator. Bearing in mind that "tolbunt" isn't one of the choices for color/pattern markings and I'm totally unsure what the actual genetic markers for it are, there's a high chance of tricolor offspring (with Julio style crests) if Versace crossed with the speckled sussex. If the tolbunt pattern is a variation of mottled, then most offspring will be split to mottled and have a chance of passing it to subsequent offspring. What solid color offspring might be....? Possibly mother's color, possibly Versace gold, black, or white....possibly have mottling pop in adult moults. Gorgeous offspring no matter what....now, for the roundabout road trip rooster shuffle.
I’ve been playing with genetics also. Sometimes day and night. Even in the bathroom on the toilet, all I have come up with is crabs !!🦀

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