First of all that is an adorable picture.
Secondly, you should submit it to caption competition - it is funny!
And finally, don’t you think they need a TV to watch rather than staring at a blank wall?!
Thank you! They are so adorable, aren't they?

I will try to submit it to caption competition, if I can find it.

Honey may be offended by the idea of TV though because she is blind. But maybe she is happy to listen. I need to negotiate with her:p
Thank you! They are so adorable, aren't they?

I will try to submit it to caption competition, if I can find it.

Honey may be offended by the idea of TV though because she is blind. But maybe she is happy to listen. I need to negotiate with her:p
You could read to her. I know it sounds stupid but it is something she can listen to.
Hey all! Take 4 days off and miss 40 pages of posts! I'll catch up later. Hope all has been well.

The chickens survived. The door remains operational. Sheba flatly refuses to lay in the nests! She's making me nuts. I mean, what's wrong with them? Maybe they need to be deeper? I could add trim to the bottom...thoughts? The other hens don't mind them.

The feeders indoors are clearly being used, but today, for the heck of it, I filled the trough I made and set it outside and you'd think they were starving! I thought chickens wouldn't overeat. It's the same food! Weird chickens.
This afternoon when I got home and was letting the chickens out I was confused as to why the silkies were with the main group.

Seems I didn’t latch the Summer House door. As a result I guess Mr P and Bert got into it and Mr P was injured. And we all know what chickens do to those that are injured, they all gang up on them.

As a result poor Mr P is all banged up, and his head has been scalped of most of his feathers. He is traumatized and demoralized. But I made him go out with his silkies ladies, but he pretty much kept to himself.

Then when he went to come in to roost Bert cornered him in the Summer House and beat the stuffing out of him again. Poor Mr P ran behind a stall door to hide. I could have gladly put Bert in the ground right then and there.

Anyways I picked the poor wee man up and brought him into the Summer House, and I gave him a good dose of Tylenol.

This is all my fault, this morning I was trying to get a hold of Rosario to put him in the Hen House for the day, and I guess in my haste to grab him I forgot to latch the door. I am so furious with myself for this happening.

And I have come to the realization that Bert will have to go. I cannot risk poor Mr P, he is too old for that crap.

So now I have Bert, Rosario and Shorley that need to go. And I am more worried than ever about Clyde and Mr LC.

And Rosario actually almost did get put in the ground today, he assaulted poor old Red and had her down, I though he had killed her. She’s ok, but Rosario is lucky that I had to tend to her first and I could cool down a few seconds otherwise he would have been toast.

These young rotten Roos are just not good to have with older fragile hens (and roosters).

Anyways I am heading out to the barn to do chores and check Mr P. Then heading to sleep, all this drama has me totally exhausted and upset. I never should have kept Bert, I should have re-homed him.
I’m going to let him rest in peace
I miss all my gone babies but so glad I have all their pics to love them all over again. Out of 25 birds in 13+yrs we have 6 now. As we've experienced in the past these numbers can change in a moment so we love & care for them every day cuz tomorrow can be different! I've learned something from each gone baby & remember them fondly.
I know and it is so tempting.

Adele is not a "Adele" though.
View attachment 3946515
He is not full polish, he is a polkie. I cannot let him go and I will not. This little imp has me wrapped around his tiny back toe. We can blame @Ponypoor for my problem. I was told when the eggs arrived I could eat the betty eggs. I am so glad I did not. Long may Julio live here in my flock.
You do know I was joking right?!

Good heavens! Eat Julio?! 😳



Not a bit of splash at all??

I know and it is so tempting.

Adele is not a "Adele" though.
View attachment 3946515
He is not full polish, he is a polkie. I cannot let him go and I will not. This little imp has me wrapped around his tiny back toe. We can blame @Ponypoor for my problem. I was told when the eggs arrived I could eat the betty eggs. I am so glad I did not. Long may Julio live here in my flock.

I'm feeling so sad at all the overpopulation of roo's :(. In the wild the male birds, mammals, & reptiles, fight sometimes to the death to expand their harems & survival of the fittest males continues a succeeding generation. But it's not fights to the death we want to see in a farm setting. At least most private farmers dispatch their surplus roo's w/ utmost care & humanity 🐓.
Seems like roosters are the topic of talk tonight 😞😢

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