I guess we'll have to resort to the saddle. The poor thing. Her wings seem to get the worst of it.

We haven't had a rooster since December! But she didn't moult last year at all. I keep praying she does this year.
No roosters means no reason for a saddle. She just needs to molt.
I bet! And they are very strong I am told. And I bet they can use those tails like a whip!
Tail whipping is her go to, and if she is really trying then yes, very painful. She will stand up to make herself big if anyone comes close, do little tail flicks as a warning. She also (despite missing several toes) has very sharp claws. Iguana teeth are almost invisible and sharp as razors! Thankfully most of the time she is pretty chill. 😁

Tail whipping is her go to, and if she is really trying then yes, very painful. She will stand up to make herself big if anyone comes close, do little tail flicks as a warning. She also (despite missing several toes) has very sharp claws. Iguana teeth are almost invisible and sharp as razors! Thankfully most of the time she is pretty chill. 😁
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View attachment 3947746
Don’t you know that it’s “ be nice to your iguana week “? :love
Like @Ponypoor said: I would get a chicken saddle to help protect her. They make ones with flaps that go over the wing 'elbows' to protect them. If she has a chance to regrow feathers during this year's molt - and then you use a chicken saddle, she should stay relatively well plumed for the next year. The trick is to get her moulted out in peace this fall - a chicken saddle with pin feathers would probably not be very comfortable.

I thought it sounded like a cross between a rooster crowing and a horse neighing!
Ya if she can keep the other hens from constantly pecking at the new feathers they will grow in fine. Might have to separate her with a quiet non cannibal friend though! Had to do that with Marty.
I guess we'll have to resort to the saddle. The poor thing. Her wings seem to get the worst of it.

We haven't had a rooster since December! But she didn't moult last year at all. I keep praying she does this year.
I found that they stopped pecking on the areas were I put lemon along with the purple colour 💜

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