Because turn-of-the-century 1900's Dominiques had both straight combs & rose combs ~ the straight combs branched off as BR's while Dom's branched off as rose combs ~ there will be wild anomalies of how combs will turn out in both breeds (The American Dominique: a Treatise for the Fancier by Mark Fields)

More videos plz! You know how I love the littles.

Most of the girls ran to hide when Rosario flew across the field. Good girls to pay attn!

Daisy is a looker!
Yep they can't stand him truthfully. Poor fella! Daisy has the most interesting feather pattern - I think Rural Mouse would say it's 'penceling' - likely I am wrong. but it's interesting.
This morning Mr P is doing well, I didn't give him any more Tylenol - I want to see how he gets on without any pain relief.

Meanwhile he is absolutely terrified of Mr LC, who has decided to take advantage of this and add further distress to the poor wee Mr P. After I locked Mr LC away, Mr P came on out into the main barn with his ladies and did his usual morning thing of digging through horse poop and watching over his ladies.

I am hoping once he is completed his moult he will feel much better and not run from Mr LC. The other 2 youngsters (Shorley and Clyde) don't bother him and in fact hang out with him.

The plan for today is to (as usual) let them out for the day, and see how Mr P does, he seems a bit sore still when walking, not sure if that's his poor toes/feet, or residual effects from being attacked. Either way I will see how he gets on, and if I feel he needs longer term pain meds I will ask my Horse Vet to order in some Meloxicam for him. Between him, Red, Sharpie, Ruth, the two old horses Truly and Lulu, and me we are all a walking pharmacopeia!
Could you soak his feet in warm Epsom salt water for a few minutes then rub some good oil into his feet and toes. That method has never failed any of my girls.
Princess has been in the garden for half an hour. She loves spying on the neighbourhood :D

She's looking in the direction of my neighbours chatting

Are you taking photos of me again
FBA weekly Synopsis!
For the past week we have the following highlights.

@knoturavggrl is back, big life changes are happening

@Marie2020 our dear Princess is molting!

@RoyalChick tied winner in the caption contest!

@Lilion has a new Sheba egg! And the poor girl is looking pretty rough...

@TOMTE we have sweet chicken naps!

@Logar made an awesome tiered playground!

@Grandma The Chicken has had a loss, how sad

@Ponypoor Little Shorley has CROWED
Mr P was beaten up unfortunately
But he is feeling back to himself. Looks pretty gnarly though...

@RebeccaBoyd Julio has been claimed and renamed!
And rest in peace, dear Blueberry

@BY Bob Happy birthday Sydney, but what is that about Versace?
Versace also fell into the pool and had to have a spa treatment!
And finally, the fanciest fluffybums

I hope I did okay for my first synopsis!
FBA weekly Synopsis!
For the past week we have the following highlights.

@knoturavggrl is back, big life changes are happening

@Marie2020 our dear Princess is molting!

@RoyalChick tied winner in the caption contest!

@Lilion has a new Sheba egg! And the poor girl is looking pretty rough...

@TOMTE we have sweet chicken naps!

@Logar made an awesome tiered playground!

@Grandma The Chicken has had a loss, how sad

@Ponypoor Little Shorley has CROWED
Mr P was beaten up unfortunately
But he is feeling back to himself. Looks pretty gnarly though...

@RebeccaBoyd Julio has been claimed and renamed!
And rest in peace, dear Blueberry

@BY Bob Happy birthday Sydney, but what is that about Versace?
Versace also fell into the pool and had to have a spa treatment!
And finally, the fanciest fluffybums

I hope I did okay for my first synopsis!
Well done
FBA weekly Synopsis!
For the past week we have the following highlights.

@knoturavggrl is back, big life changes are happening

@Marie2020 our dear Princess is molting!

@RoyalChick tied winner in the caption contest!

@Lilion has a new Sheba egg! And the poor girl is looking pretty rough...

@TOMTE we have sweet chicken naps!

@Logar made an awesome tiered playground!

@Grandma The Chicken has had a loss, how sad

@Ponypoor Little Shorley has CROWED
Mr P was beaten up unfortunately
But he is feeling back to himself. Looks pretty gnarly though...

@RebeccaBoyd Julio has been claimed and renamed!
And rest in peace, dear Blueberry

@BY Bob Happy birthday Sydney, but what is that about Versace?
Versace also fell into the pool and had to have a spa treatment!
And finally, the fanciest fluffybums

I hope I did okay for my first synopsis!
TY TY Jenn! Better than me! I had my 1st bone stimulator treatment this a.m. Let's see if that helps my bum arm? I'm so tired typing one finger at a time!!!!

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