At least I have my rooster who loves me! image.jpg
Meanwhile I am regularly inundated with spoiled rotten chooks who think I am their slave to carry them around, feed them treats and hop on for a higher vantage point.

Take my 5 elderly ladies, they now wait for me to lower them to the floor in the morning, and now I have 3 otjers who are waiting for the same treatment! What am I a slave to a chicken?

Penelope & Blanche
Both of whom get the special elevator service in the morning.
View attachment 3954915
Teehee! DH has the same issues. Coming out of the coop or perch is not so much an issue now that the newest Silkies all share nestboxes for sleeping & old Dominique "Dana" still gets herself up & down from the low perch.

But Oy! Going to bed Dana will wait often till after dark for DH to escort her to the coop. Silkie "Ginny" is like Poppet who has to be coaxed to the coop:
Ah, yes Aspen, belongs to the Poplar family. I know they can grow stands of the tree from a single parent tree. In this case likley the suckers I have here are also Aspen, can’t kill the rotten things as the root system will just grow another in its place.

Yep the leaves rattle in the breeze which I do enjoy 😊♥️
Last pics of aspen color this season
That's going to drop them all overnight. However, still waiting for color at my place.
:wee :celebrate

Ok let’s start getting her a new handle.

How about

Princess pamperer.


Every pet gets a hug ♥️
I like Every Pet Gets A Hug.

Or maybe something to do with a Nursery Rhyme/Tale....taking care of ALL the animals....I feel like I've read a nursery tale about something like that and can't pin down the details....

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