The 1st recorded air balloon flight in 1783 had as it's passengers a sheep, a duck, and a rooster!

After lifting into the air 600 metres a tear in the balloon's fabric caused it to float returning to earth.

Pilâtre de Rozier, a physician and future aeronaut, hurried to collect and examine the animals: they were, not entirely expectedly, alive. The sheep, duck and cockerel were hailed as 'heroes of the air' and, as a reward, were given a place in the Menagerie in Versailles by Louis XVI.
Are you asking about Sydney?

View attachment 3971406
Hi Sydney ♥️

Pepper-Larry say hi back!
Hubby brought home the pellet food kind of Safe-guard. He said it's what the person recommended. I'll take a look tomorrow, I've been moving super slow from the vertigo. At least no fever 👍
Interesting, I have never heard of it. Did they say how to dose the chooks? I have never seen it pelleted. Just liquid.

Let us know.

Could it be that she takes the role of a rooster and doesn't approve you going to the other hens or getting too busy in "their" territory?
I do remember we had a lot of discussion when she was just a pullet about what could cause that, and there was no clear explanation.
Let's hope she never goes broody 😱
Yikes I hadn't thought of that! Aspects of it are rooster-like for sure, except that the other flock members don't approve! She is odd-man out most of the time these days, poor nutball that she is. Interestingly, she roosts next to top-hen Hazel.
And I bet they are laughing about it too!
I'm crouching holding pellets for the others, or just crouching or sitting among them softly talking, and Hazel will go around behind me and start tapping my back, going up and down my spine like a chiropractor or something.
🩺 🧑‍⚕️ It's generally not too rough, but she tends to peck longer on each bony vertebrae than on the in-between parts and that can get sharp! Like she's found an interesting nugget there to excavate ⛏️
What’s the highest score anyone has ever won in Yahtzee?
I just scored my highest score in my life today 421 which includes four Yahtzees! Just pure luck I guess. 🎲🎲

Yahtzee tax:View attachment 3971461
Did somebody bite his comb? I'm not able to read everything going on in this thread, sorry!
Poor sweetie, I feel for them when they moult. I am thrilled to see Misty getting her feathers in.


Get some of these, place one in the stove, place some kindling in there and a chunk of log on top of that, guaranteed 30 min later it will be toasty warm.

I have used something similar to these many times and they are great.
I made some; spruce cone in a toilet paper tube. Wrap like a Chrstmas cracker in tissue paper, then dip whole thing in melted bee wax. Waterproof kindling, goes up like a candle.

Currently, though, we have quite a bit of finger width branches from the 2 trees we dropped. I'm breaking the branches into roughly 12 inch pieces to use as kindling. All the political flyers are being kept to use as the paper starter (we've been getting 2-4 of EACH ONE). I have a bucket of twigs next to the wood bin and another next to the woodpile, collecting more twigs and the splinters from splitting wood. Until the brush pile gets broken down, it's adding windbreak and over head shelter for the chickens too.

Havoc, Storm, and Nellie

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