It'll probably winter comfortably under your deck ~ it's got shelter, feed around the property, hope it stays away from your livestock. Skunks are pretty much nocturnal but can be a surprise in daytime hours ~ young ones spook easy & more likely to spray than older ones. My DD was out in her patio when a younger one ran across the concrete in front of her. She's lucky it didn't spray. They've had their dogs get sprayed a couple times ~ yuck!Pony Sunday
I have a new lodger living here. This was on Thursday evening on my way back to the house.
And looks likes s/he has taken up residence under the back deck.
Last evening when I came in from chores at 8pm I startled it! I am going to keep the backyard light on from now on.
Skunk tax
How many chickens in the garden bed? We're not sure?