Oh, that is no good at all. Can you be referred to an endocrinologist? I went through H#@L with my primary to get him to either refer me to one since he wouldn't put me on insulin (long story - but I had been managing it prior to that fine, then the pancreas quit). I truly felt soooooo much better once blood sugars were somewhat stabilized. I hope you make progress on Tuesday. Please DO ask to be referred to an endocrinologist (if you need a referal for your insurance). If you dont - seek out a well reputed one in your area - ASAP.Hi BG,
Had a spike Saturday after breakfast that bout knocked me out. Made a visit to the ER and got a shot of insulin. Relayed this thru the patient portal and have yet to hear from my Dr. Scheduled an appointment Thursday so he can't duck and dodge me forever.
Hope all is well with you and your tribe
Non-chicken talk tax:
Aren't the DC chicks so adorable???
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