She passed away a little bit ago.
I am going to go ahead and close the plastic coop, this is the second bird who has presented as ill from it. Until I can disinfect it and add more ventilation they'll have to use the other coops.
What a bummer
I'm so sorry. :hugs :hugs :hugs

Ideas to consider - it might not be the plastic coop itself but what is around it or used in it. When the surroundings are so damp/wet this is possible. Is it up on something, or sitting on a damp surface that could be getting moldy, like the bottom side of the plastic? Any insulation on the walls? Also possible any supplies used in the coop that could be harboring mold, such as towels or litter? I speak from sad experience, not accusing you but hoping to help, I had two of the 5 initial Spuds chicks die when I used pine shavings for them that were unopened but stored in a damp area. I think it had tiny mold spores in it. 😥
I got the bigger Omlet Eglu and have it assembled and installed finally. It's bigger; basically it's wider. Holds ~10 rather than ~6 large chickens. I had ordered it when there were 5 in the tribe here, thinking if I got 3 more next year I definitely needed a bigger coop. Only four hens now without Popcorn, they are sort of rattling around in a ton of space but they like it well enough. I could see Diane recognized the similarity to the old coop when she inspected it while under construction. I do think they like the three cozy individualized nest boxes better, they each have their own entrance, so previously while they did successfully share the long nest box, it had one entrance, so if someone wanted to guard it that caused an occasional problem. The new ladder design is much better and friendly to stepping on it different ways.

Here's Annie Sweet Thing and Diane Devil Ida-Biter checking out their old veranda newly installed on the new coop. I had to figure out a hanging method. Now they have two sides to flap-jump up.
You should tell him there's another tech nerd on here.
DH has already known it for weeks. I show him most of your tech talk & chicken pics. He loves his Dom too. Our Dom Dana is "his" hen ~ I picked her as my favorite Dom chick but as an adult she chose DH as her favorite human.

Baby Dana 5 days old

Dana hops into DH's lap, never mine, & she waits by the sliding door to catch glimpses of him which he then makes her feel special w/ hand treats, & evenings she waits for him at the sliding door to have him escort her to the coop. She's also very good watching over/protecting the Silkies.


*cries in gaming rigs*
Hubby's computer is from 2020, he just upgraded video card and processor recently as well as new keyboard, mouse, and headset. But it should be able to handle new games for another 3-5 years. His was very high end and expensive.

I got my rig last black friday, it's mid-range for performance. It runs ARK: Ascended no issue so I'm happy. I also dabble in digital painting so I needed to go graphics intensive.

I have a laptop from I believe 2019 that is alright, it was mid-range and plays The Sims. We're going to do kiddo's schooling on it.

Tax: some pretty birds
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Liara and Morinth
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Has your DD come up w/a name for "Hawk"? Kids come up w/ some interesting ideas for names that are endearing to us parents. My sis & her DD are the two family names we took parts of both names & incorporated into one Silkie.

2 names combined into one name "Betta"
BETTA 18  09-28-2024.jpg
I got the bigger Omlet Eglu and have it assembled and installed finally. It's bigger; basically it's wider. Holds ~10 rather than ~6 large chickens. I had ordered it when there were 5 in the tribe here, thinking if I got 3 more next year I definitely needed a bigger coop. Only four hens now without Popcorn, they are sort of rattling around in a ton of space but they like it well enough. I could see Diane recognized the similarity to the old coop when she inspected it while under construction. I do think they like the three cozy individualized nest boxes better, they each have their own entrance, so previously while they did successfully share the long nest box, it had one entrance, so if someone wanted to guard it that caused an occasional problem. The new ladder design is much better and friendly to stepping on it different ways.

Here's Annie Sweet Thing and Diane Devil Ida-Biter checking out their old veranda newly installed on the new coop. I had to figure out a hanging method. Now they have two sides to flap-jump up.
View attachment 3981285
It's about time Omlet fixed the flaws of their older omlet designs ~ better ladder & better individual nestboxes! (Now that we no longer need a big coop.) Plastic coops seem easier to clean too.

In 2015 we got a barn coop w/ sturdy dog kennel wire which we're still convinced is roomier & sturdier than the Omlet design available at the time. But we have never been able to truly be satisfied 100% of any designs. The barn coop is still been our best choice w/ interchangeable solid or wire floor tray, 4 nestboxes, dog kennel wire run, 5 optional perch levels. It has its pros & cons. Our main pro is the extra strong dog kennel wire to keep out neighborhood possums, raccoons, or coyotes at night.
Well, they currently have data on them. You need to reformat them so they can be used again. You put them in the computer and then use the DOS command line to reformat them. That erases the data and re-indexes the floppy disk so it is ready to accept new data.

Format Tax

Hattie's molt is nearly done.
View attachment 3981136
Moulting is so sad :(. I guess humans perpetually shed their hairs every day too.
I got the bigger Omlet Eglu and have it assembled and installed finally. It's bigger; basically it's wider. Holds ~10 rather than ~6 large chickens. I had ordered it when there were 5 in the tribe here, thinking if I got 3 more next year I definitely needed a bigger coop. Only four hens now without Popcorn, they are sort of rattling around in a ton of space but they like it well enough. I could see Diane recognized the similarity to the old coop when she inspected it while under construction. I do think they like the three cozy individualized nest boxes better, they each have their own entrance, so previously while they did successfully share the long nest box, it had one entrance, so if someone wanted to guard it that caused an occasional problem. The new ladder design is much better and friendly to stepping on it different ways.

Here's Annie Sweet Thing and Diane Devil Ida-Biter checking out their old veranda newly installed on the new coop. I had to figure out a hanging method. Now they have two sides to flap-jump up.
View attachment 3981285
That looks awesome, and that platform looks like great fun ♥️

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