When we rehomed birds in the past we got updates & pics. When they stopped sending we assumed the bird passed as no more updates were sent. But we knew the birds were in good hands living out their natural chicken life ❤️.
I'm sad that they are not sending me her pictures 😔
It's worrying me
Two-fer Tuesday.
It's not Tuesday. These two said so.
Oh and just in case anyone was worried or wondering: I keep water in their run. Their waterer was full, they were just impatient to get out and we got a lot of rain last night so they were pacing when they noticed the water drops. They like to drink water droplets off of things 🤤

Free entertainment and for them while they have to put up with not having anything to do in there, until we get the coop in its spot and add clutter. Poor thangs.
Hang a cabbage? Or old 💿 CDs for flash. Add a mirror… they like that.

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