Maybe I should get a new girlfriend. Every time I find a real good one, she takes me shopping for clothes. And my closest is full of girlfriend clothing ideas. From cowboy hats and shirts and boots,
To girls who like the conservative lifestyle look, with a sweater that I really love, and that I get so many compliments on.
And to that lady who took me to high end men’s clothing store and I bought my next suit. A three piece charcoal suit with a lavender shirt and a red tie. I did look great in that, but I was already heading out to the property in California. Nobody wears that much in California. Here’s a picture of the substitute preacher we had today.
No tie, no fancy clothes and honestly, not too many fancy words either.
My next rant:
Some homeless people have been using my church as a sleeping shelter outside of the buildings in the bushes, under the awnings. Some make a mess and others don’t. My responsibility is to keep the yards clean cut, the trash removed, bushes trimmed clean, and the junk left behind by the homeless removed. Now, I don’t know about you, but when I find a homeless man not alive anymore in his car parked on my church lot, I start to think about homeless, and drug use, I get a defensive attitude towards them. That church is my responsibility, my part time job is still important to me. Anyone who rolls the losing dice, have a situation, and can’t help themselves, can be homeless. I understand that
Every time I show up, I give them 15 minutes to collect their belongings and leave the property. Then I pray for them and then I start my three hour work. And I work hard to make the yards and flora look nice.
Rant about over, but I’m pretty sure I missed something.
Oh yah BFTP tax:
I truly don’t know what else to say . I try to get those homeless folks help, but it’s frustrating when they refuse help.
I’m just glad I have my cup of Coco tonight to calm my anxiety down. Here’s my Coco. She’s molting so I brought her into my warm house