I apologize for not being here yesterday. I didn't have photos available and I didn't know what to talk about. I'll go back and see what you were all talking about. One thing I'm assuming you're talking about is color change... on a horse? Either way, it sounds interesting.
Actually Featherhead007 started the topic on colour changes.

Have to say that Twister has developed way more black spots on her feathers. I though it was dirt but when I tried to clean them off she became quite mad at me 😁 ooops!

I’ll try to get a photo of her this weekend.
He's so handsome! He looks like he'd be a great helpful rooster. If only, if only...
He stays out of trouble. Mr LC is a brut! He terrorizes poor Rosario still! I had to catch the little monster and lock him in the Hen House with me this morning.

I was afraid either he or Rosario would be injured running and flapping all over the barn.

Mr LC has tried to face off with Shorley who just stands there and looks down at him 😁

Mr LC also tried to take on Mr P also, who puts the run on him.

Mr LC is going to be trouble in the near future I can see.

Meanwhile I might have a new home for Rosario, someone who has a bunch of hens they bought a couple months ago, looking for a Roo. They are coming on Sunday to collect him.
I keep thinking... Aliss looks more like an English BCM (or clean-legged French) than a BSL. But as far as I know, Family Farm and Home doesn't supply English BCM. I think they get their chicks from Cackle..? @SimpleJenn do you know?

Looking at pictures of BCM and BSL, Esme looks more like the latter. But Aliss is much darker overall, fluffier, and the brown/red/copper color is only on her neck/chest and head. Her face and earlobes also have more black (still yellow, but with dark "smudges" that are spreading as she gets older), black spots on the tips of her comb, and her legs are mostly black. Of course she could just be a much darker BSL than what I've seen. Maybe different parents were used...? Oh! And Aliss has green eyes, not brown like the rest of my girls!




(The camera on my phone picks up more of the yellow than the black— her legs are much darker than they look here)



(Again, the camera doesn't really pick up on the dark smudges on her face and earlobes. You can kind of see...)

I've seen pics of really dark BSL like Aliss, but they all have yellow legs and yellow/red faces.

It doesn't really matter, I'm just curious!

Another thing about Aliss that probably has nothing to do with breed but I can't not share because it's funny: she doesn't really cluck... She just roars. Must be her new "beer beeeer beer!"

I'll try to get a video soon. I adore her, the weirdo 🤣
Hoovers supplies them. They sell "french marans assortments" which are clean legged, as well as "midnight majesty marans" like my Shep was. They can have feathered or clean legs.
Shep had black feathered legs
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You'll likely know when she lays an egg. Marans are a darker, cooler brown shade with a purpley bloom. Sheps had speckles too.

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