When you 1st showed us Clyde's chick pics he looked all black w/some silver (gray) feathers peaking out here & there which is not unusual for an all black Silkie. But as his adult plumage grew in he very obviously was a bird of a different color. Roos are so gorgeous!Been giving the Clyde the Brave feather thing a thinking.
I figure the follow four scenario could have happened with a Curly x Teddy offspring:
1) regular silkie feathers (like Teddy)
2) regular satin (normal) feathers
3) Satin frizzle (like Curly)
4) silkie feathers frizzled (which I guess we all feel he is)
Of those 4 scenarios the only one which would have thrown me for a loop would have been the regular non frizzle feathers.
I would not have batted an eyelash at normal silkie or satin frizzle, and the idea of his being silkie frizzle never occurred to me.
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He looks like he just pulled a sweater over his head and has static
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