Yes. I shared the list of other breeds they sold a while ago. They denied she could even be theirs. Tried to claim she was a meat bird. They're had to have been someone involved who is not on the for sale list. None of the combinations of what they sold would have resulted in a chicken that looks like her.
Wow, a true enigma! Sorry not to be up to speed.
Another rabbit hole to fall down 😉
I can avoid diving in myself as I'm not breeding cats. Any info those knowledgeable on it care to share, I will enjoy and learn from. Thank you @RoyalChick for sharing the marmalade info. As he's bigger than Castor, I'd been leaning that way. The both of them are growly with each other, but seem to be willing to avoid the physical improvement from when he first turned up.
he blends rather well here...I suppose something to call him would be a good idea until we find out what his owners (if any) call him.
I didn’t know that! I had two sisters Ginger and Snap (yes original I know) who where orange tabbies! Had no idea they were so special.
Great names!
Means both their parents were also orange.
Only 20% of orange cats are female.
I know precisely two things about cat genetics and the orange-calico-gender thing is one of them.
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Who Shirley?

Laverne and Shirley - I gave broody Curly 2 pullet chicks, a Lavender Orp and a Midnight Majesty Marans.

Guess who was the cockerel!

View attachment 4021353
Oh,now I was a chick naming contest! Amazing how tiny chicks can grow so rapidly. Even in this chickpic he is bigger than Laverne. He really needs a nicer name for such a good roo ❤️
I can avoid diving in myself as I'm not breeding cats. Any info those knowledgeable on it care to share, I will enjoy and learn from. Thank you @RoyalChick for sharing the marmalade info. As he's bigger than Castor, I'd been leaning that way. The both of them are growly with each other, but seem to be willing to avoid the physical improvement from when he first turned up.View attachment 4021444he blends rather well here...I suppose something to call him would be a good idea until we find out what his owners (if any) call him.
Oh there he is! I had to search for him - that’s an awesome photo!
Oh,now I was a chick naming contest! Amazing how tiny chicks can grow so rapidly. Even in this chickpic he is bigger than Laverne. He really needs a nicer name for such a good roo ❤️
It’s sort of stuck now 😊 I do also call him big boy, little man, and chunk ♥️
Would rather have your heat problem than my freezing problem…..

I would have a dog but the Veterinarian costs are prohibitive here.
I hear ya...the chickens cost us $$$ but still a lot less over the years than a dog. I mean, I can understand the necessary costs of licenses & vaccinations cuz too many owners are not responsible keeping their dogs safe.

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