@TOMTE or @Logar or @SimpleJenn ??? talked about weighted blankets? Well, DD got me a weighted shawl for Christmas & it came in handy & warm after my trip home from the hospital! Just wanted to confirm these weighted fabrics are great! Didn't need to turn up the house 🏠 heater.

Tx ~ Thirsty Thursday 2012
Bread, but supposedly it is either rosca de reyes or rat poison.

I've small pieces of bread back here in my yard before, but never with anything in it.
I have had neighbors attempt to poison my birds before. They have successfully killed three of my birds over the years
Bread, but supposedly it is either rosca de reyes or rat poison.

I've small pieces of bread back here in my yard before, but never with anything in it.
Our backyard neighbor has a pool & their bratty unsupervised kids would throw half-eaten food, dog toys, or swimming pool paraphernalia over the wall but nothing quite this disturbing! So sorry you had this happen!

Report to police if you have a good ordinance setup w/ chickens; otherwise you may need to keep it mum unfortunately. If you can report it & give it in evidence to detectives there may be other reported cases where dogs might be thrown this type of suspicious stuff ~ cuz toddlers & little kids (& chickens) put everything in their mouth. We eat chicken eggs & may get sickened/poisoned too thru eggs.

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