In the fall when mine were still free ranging, they would stalk and chase the blue jays, who would fly a few yards away, wait until my chickens went back to their foraging, fly back in to forage/investigate a few feet away, repeat :gig

I saw some aggression in my girls occasionally but never in the jays. If anything they seemed curious and interested. They'd jeer at the chickens from the trees after being chased away but never mob them or go on the offensive. It was really cool watching them interact! Also helpful, since the blue jays are a great alarm system for hawks and other predators. Chickies would look around any time an alarm call went up while they free ranged, and even in the run they still do glimpse up when they hear them.

If/when we can go back to free ranging ( :fl )... It would be fun to document interactions between my chickens and the wildlife. I have so many notebooks and journals that I had things planned for but then ended up not doing anything with 😅
Yes mine listen to the jays, crows, and the ravens.

The jays though must think it’s fun to fly over screaming and watch my chickens run for cover and then look to see where the danger is.
It can also be cold, so I understand that ☺️
When it’s hip deep and a chore to walk through, and so cold your fingers freeze, and your cheeks too. It’s a lot of work - extra work! So much clothes to wear, heavy bulky can’t hardly move clothes.

Shovel to driveway, and the path at the house and barn, clear the snow off my truck sometimes twice a day! Hauling the garbage to the road through the snow…. Driving in the snow with people on the road who are just bad drivers, or who don’t have snow tires. The added expense of heating, and lights in the dark.

Everything is just way more work and effort.

And for me that work starts in the summer getting hay in for the horses. They would starve without hay in the hayloft.

Yes it’s pretty, but it’s way more work than pretty.

Weather whining tax

Some fluffy butts for Friday
Hi everyone.

We are in the midst of round 2 of snowmageddon. Another 1 1/2 inches since about 3 on top of what we already have and it is still snowing. I went out today and manhandled some very angry chickens. I am pleased to report even though they hate the white lava none of them are showing any signs of frost bite on their combs and wattles. Their feet also look great. In retaliation to this snow my girls have stopped laying, nothing the last 2 days. Oh well, I'm not hurting for eggs so if they do not lay for a week I'm ok with it. I am very thankful that Turkey was 5 weeks old before the weather turned. He/She was fully feathered and Poppet is doing a wonderful job keeping him/her warm. Turkey was 6 weeks old yesterday and right now I am leaning towards pullet.

I may be starting to get sick of the weather but then I saw a post on facebook that won the day and I no longer care if this crap weather hangs on for another week or so.

"I'm not even mad at this snow.....Those yellow jackets had it coming."

Oh I feel this. Those little stinging devils were awful and we had to break over and hire a exterminator this year to remove a nest from our insulation. If it can kill a lot of them out, we can unthaw around the first of March and I will not complain.
I will send you my measure of snow and cold in that case!

And I am so happy Turkey is doing great with the flock. Can’t wait to see some more photos around the first of March 🤭
You know what time it is...




But I only have one fluffy butt pic today because as soon as they see the camera on them, my girls like to get as close as possible to the lens 🤣

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It's snowing again, YAY!!!

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View attachment 4024536

Got a pic right before she shook the snowflakes out of her feathers.

View attachment 4024537

They're staying warm and cozy in the run ☺️
Wow, first pic is an OUTSTANDING fluffy butt. 🥰 🥰
When it’s hip deep and a chore to walk through, and so cold your fingers freeze, and your cheeks too. It’s a lot of work - extra work! So much clothes to wear, heavy bulky can’t hardly move clothes.

Shovel to driveway, and the path at the house and barn, clear the snow off my truck sometimes twice a day! Hauling the garbage to the road through the snow…. Driving in the snow with people on the road who are just bad drivers, or who don’t have snow tires. The added expense of heating, and lights in the dark.

Everything is just way more work and effort.

And for me that work starts in the summer getting hay in for the horses. They would starve without hay in the hayloft.

Yes it’s pretty, but it’s way more work than pretty.

Weather whining tax

Some fluffy butts for Friday
View attachment 4024881View attachment 4024882
Yeah true!

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