Yes mine listen to the jays, crows, and the ravens.In the fall when mine were still free ranging, they would stalk and chase the blue jays, who would fly a few yards away, wait until my chickens went back to their foraging, fly back in to forage/investigate a few feet away, repeat
I saw some aggression in my girls occasionally but never in the jays. If anything they seemed curious and interested. They'd jeer at the chickens from the trees after being chased away but never mob them or go on the offensive. It was really cool watching them interact! Also helpful, since the blue jays are a great alarm system for hawks and other predators. Chickies would look around any time an alarm call went up while they free ranged, and even in the run they still do glimpse up when they hear them.
If/when we can go back to free ranging ()... It would be fun to document interactions between my chickens and the wildlife. I have so many notebooks and journals that I had things planned for but then ended up not doing anything with
The jays though must think it’s fun to fly over screaming and watch my chickens run for cover and then look to see where the danger is.