Ok gentlefolk, I have staggered out to the barn, I made to mistake of sitting down and it was a struggle to get up. Ugh, so mad with myself!

I am off to see if I can get some sleep, though not likely.

The chooks are all snug in their roosts - it was 6C in the Hen House when I checked not long ago. Hopefully it stays above freezing tonight in there.

Good night all!
Hubby reserved a coop for us from TSC. Thanks for the link though! I'm now browsing their site.
I'm not a fan of stromberg's. When I was first exploring purchasing chicks, I'm pretty sure they're the ones who offered free de-beaking front and center of their website home page. It doesn't say that anymore, but...my reaction was not going to use them...EVER.
I'm not a fan of stromberg's. When I was first exploring purchasing chicks, I'm pretty sure they're the ones who offered free de-beaking front and center of their website home page. It doesn't say that anymore, but...my reaction was not going to use them...EVER.
I always got a weird feeling when in their site. They seem very old school and not in a good way.
we are expecting a lot of snow today so i have the girls a pile of straw to play in. I think this video of them playing in the straw is interesting. I took video from 2 cameras at the same time. One is an older camera with no sound. Enjoy watching the girls at work.

Hattie was in the coop cuddled up next to a heater.

we are expecting a lot of snow today so i have the girls a pile of straw to play in. I think this video of them playing in the straw is interesting. I took video from 2 cameras at the same time. One is an older camera with no sound. Enjoy watching the girls at work.

Hattie was in the coop cuddled up next to a heater.

HAHA, they're loving it!! How fun to see!

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