@SimpleJenn I just found myself starting on some crochet chickens for my sister's kids. While going through patterns, I found this...


Includes pics with real chickens!

And a chicken tea cozy!!!
Those patterns are both very cute!
I love this pattern for making little quicky chickys
I skipped the wings and just surface crocheted the combs. :)
I have miles of cornfields all around me, but the corn is not the sweet corn that my chooks like. They won’t even peck at the stuff!
My fault for spoiling them with the best food I can offer.
Most cornfield corn is GMO engineered stuff w/no flavor, just starch rich. Home grown non-gmo heritage type corn is the sweetest table corn. Cuz we have so few birds DH gets non-GMO organic canned corn ~ none of our birds touch fresh cob corn :idunno
Freeze warning for early morning. I can’t believe that I couldn’t convince any of my chooks to come in the house tonight. I just don’t understand it? I have the best treats, waiting in the fridge.
Do I smell too hooman or something? :idunno
Bitter cold, everyone. It was 9 F and when I reloaded the page, it dropped to 8 F. Bitter cold. Next few days won't look too good and next Sunday, it will be 42 F. At least it will get somewhat warmer... ish. Should've taken a warm vacation when I got the chance...

Tonight is "freeze your buns night" for Grandma and the others.
It was nice to see nacho, covering her three chicks in my run tonight. I put out extra food for her and her littles. I put food in the coop high and low for my other birds. I might be away for a while tomorrow.

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