I have had eggs shipped here probably 5 out of the 8 years and this year I went wild on breeding stock so had 5 I think it was shipments. Out of a total of 6-dozen eggs, I got about 30%. Years prior, 70%. My own, nearly 100%. This past year was horrific and I've heard it from a lot of folks. I swear they play football with our boxes.No you NEED show quality silkies. I am fully enabling this. I pray if you go this route your postal service is better then mine was. Written all over the box call to pick up, do not deliver. Does my mail carrier even bother to read the package....no lets throw them on the truck and hit every pothole along the way. I ordered 6 show silkie eggs, I got 8 and well, poor things were essentially scrambled. I had 1 hatch and sadly it did not make it past the first week. They also did the same with George's eggs, out for delivery.
Instead of more eggs for a particular color I need, I'm buying four 3-month-old chicks, overnight air-shipped here, costing me a small fortune, but in retrospect, probably cheaper than all those eggs that went to waste that I paid dearly for.