I had that worry when we bought our second bearded dragon. Ryuu, our first, was wonderful. However she was paralyzed and did not get to live a long healthy life. I was so worried I'd compare Shenron to her, but he was just SO very different in subtle ways.Phyllis is also irreplaceable. I will tell you now, you will not realize you are doing it until you are too late. I did not catch on to what I had done until Bubba was gone. I'm saying I will not compare these boys to Branch and I will try not to. They are just different enough I should be able to accomplish that. I will probably not always be 100% successful.
Truthfully thank goodness I have George. George is his own being and a stark difference from my past boys. He is not a Marans, he is not a silkie, he is George.
I will also do my best to not compare my new birds to the old...