Oh yee gads I hope not for your sakeI wish I'd gotten video of this even though it was a really quick interaction.
So every time I collect eggs I show them to the girls and tell them "good job". There was a Sybil egg and an Esme egg in the nest box this morning and of course I showed them. Sybil pecked at them a bit and then wandered away, like she usually does. Today Esme decided to try and roll them out of my hand so she could sit on themit was silly.
She's acting a little off this morning, doesn't seem interested in food and just stood behind my legs when I let them out of the coop. She doesn't seem like she's sick or injured, she's bright and alert and her comb and wattles are nice and red. Could she be wobbling on the broody fence?

So much worry with a broody - getting them to eat, drink, poop…. Being frustrated after 6 weeks of all that monkey business.