Good morning everyone.

Please keep Rosie, dad and Mom in your thoughts today. This flu is no joke and now mom came down with it yesterday. Rosie and dad are still running fever's going into their 4th day with this. I honestly think dad is trying to set up pneumonia. His stubborn hard headed butt needed to go to the emergency room yesterday, but he did not. If Rosie was as bad as he is I would have had her there in a heartbeat. I'm still good thank goodness but I'm tired. I've gotten everyone medicated this morning, horses and chickens taken care of and I have to head to work in a hour. Thankfully my brother is off today and he will tend to them, and agreed to do evening chicken and horse chores for me.
How is everyone doing Rebecca? You ok?
Monday Mugs

The hatchday girl

This is a good lesson for you prior to going to college/university. Always cite your sources ♥️

The source of my worry and stress
View attachment 4047496

Between the horses and chooks ….
This is one of my favorite photos. Right up there with the flooded grass series.
I would submit this to POW - but also the caption competition.
I am loving mine also, I have three buffs and a lavender - they are all wonderful. I wish could get another lavender.
I have a couple lavenders too. They really are pretty. I have 3 BO hens, but also one that is mixed with Australorp and one that is mixed with RIR, and of course the buff rooster. I also have 3 Australorps.

My other rooster is a Black Copper Marans. This doesn't account for all my flock. There are a couple more. Can't think of who I'm missing atm. :hmm I'll be in trouble with someone tomorrow. :oops:
I want to do something special for my chooks. They all have been so good to me lately. I just don’t know what I can do :idunno
They get veggies and meats for treats. They get the best feed I can give. I try to give them each all the love I can. I’m building a separate house for Mr Wyandottey, because he’s way too pushy with the Rockettes (the older ladies) and they choose not to let him do his rooster business.
I want to do something special for my chooks. They all have been so good to me lately. I just don’t know what I can do :idunno
They get veggies and meats for treats. They get the best feed I can give. I try to give them each all the love I can. I’m building a separate house for Mr Wyandottey, because he’s way too pushy with the Rockettes (the older ladies) and they choose not to let him do his rooster business.
Meal worms? BOSS? Let them all in the house together?

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