@TOMTE ~ as for trees you're smart about removing taller ones near the playhouse & plant a couple smaller varieties for summer playhouse shade that don't grow excessively tall over the years. Tall varieties are top heavy so if the roots rot or soil gets soggy tall trees will topple. I don't know about tree varieties in your part of the country but for ourselves we picked dwarf trees & still they are bigger than I like.
Won’t embezzle your checking account!

You haven't met mine. With access to the web your money is not safe!
View attachment 4053938
Abigail got into my money.

I also need to figure out my digestive issues... Ugh. I had one scan done last year(?) where they injected me with something so they could see how my liver, pancreas, etc were working. Had to lay still for I think 2 hours but it was kind of cool watching my guts do their thing on the monitor 🤣 Everything looked normal there so on to the next tests. Eventually. Have to wait for my insurance to re-up since my renewal form got lost in the mail 🤦‍♂️

So basically, I feel ya. It's no fun not knowing why your body can't handle food. I really hope you get answers ❤️


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Magrat is being picked on. She had a bloody comb (and head) yesterday evening and they're still going at it today. I'll have to spend some time in the cold today pinching necks until they get it— LEAVE HER ALONE!
Once they see/smell blood they don't usually stop. Isolation till she's healed is your best option. Injuries/illness is why we have a dog crate fence in the house.
Once they see/smell blood they don't usually stop. Isolation till she's healed is your best option. Injuries/illness is why we have a dog crate fence in the house.
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I did have luck with keeping them from picking at Gytha's comb once when it bled. Spent an hour or so disciplining anyone who even looked at her comb for longer than a second.

Just an hour ago I watched them before bed and they were leaving Magrat alone, earlier I had to peck a few heads and grab a neck or 2. Since there's no way to isolate her yet I just have to be observant. We probably have some blue food coloring if it comes to that.

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