Glad she managed to lay it. Is she moving better now?
Yes, thanks, today she was perky again, and very active and talkative. I didn't see her sitting while others stood any time I checked except for early this morning, which must have been just before she laid her egg. By midday she was leading a vigorous dustbathing party.
My bigger girls love the new babies. One is very loudly complaining, and Yeti took it upon herself to push it alllll the way under the brooder so it could warm up. Now it's snoozing away.
Honestly other than being a bit smaller and a solid blue, I can't tell the special needs one apart. I guess the change of scenery helped.
Now for baby spam
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So precious! :love Yeti is going to be a great hen! Or Rooster???
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Bottom left is somebody's Buff Orp egg, I think little Annie's, 52 grams. Upper right is Hazel's Buckeye egg, 72 grams. She started laying again five or six days ago. I noticed she was resting a lot, sitting when everybody else was standing, and pumping her tail then. At night too. I worried because she has had a respiratory illness in the past.

She wasn't doing any fast breathing, and when sleeping it was the same rate as the others, just with big motion in the back. Then a couple of days later she was walking differently in some hard to define way, and looked a little low to me. So with a heavy heart I felt her belly and on the left side easily and immediately felt a smooth lump in there. She bokked when I gently moved it a little.

Next day she went into a nest box and stayed there for hours. I checked and she had changed to another nest box. Then she came out, ate and drank, and went to roost, with no egg laid, same pumping tail. This was worrying as Popcorn also kept trying to lay, or feeling like she had to lay, maybe because of tumor? before she just up and died suddenly. Popcorn didn't have a pumping tail though.

Anyway next morning she finally laid it. She was pretty perky that day! Then two days later and here's another one. This seems to have moved along faster, is that a good sign?

Thanks for letting me relay my worry! If only we could take care of these dear animals like we can for cats and dogs. So much is unknown! And out of our hands to do anything about.
Glad she finally laid her egg. I know this worry 😞 you can post anytime here about this I think we have all been there.

And yes it is hard to help them at times.
My bigger girls love the new babies. One is very loudly complaining, and Yeti took it upon herself to push it alllll the way under the brooder so it could warm up. Now it's snoozing away.
Honestly other than being a bit smaller and a solid blue, I can't tell the special needs one apart. I guess the change of scenery helped.
Now for baby spam
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They are adorable ♥️

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